The impact of presence and dearth of mass media campaigns on waterpipe smoking: A case study
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Department of Business Practices, Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce, Pune, India
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Rajeshree Gokhale   

Department of Business Practices, Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce, Pune, India
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A278
Waterpipe smoking is emerging as a new tobacco epidemic and it's imperative to get a synergistic approach of handling the same as it is gaining more popularity amongst the younger adults. India has come out with several good initiatives like the waterpipe smoking regulation bill as well as recently a notification to put up warnings in hotels and restaurants about the potential harm of the same.

However there is need for creating more awareness of the harm of the same especially amongst first time users. This paper depicts the case study of understanding the impact of the trailers and posters of movies on the youth on one hand and the analysis of the mass media campaigns of tobacco harm on the other.

Youth were asked to analyze the trailors and posters of movies showing waterpipe smoking scenes in them and a questionnaire was administered to check the impact of the same on them. They were also asked to review some of the mass media campaigns of tobacco harm showcased on different mediums

The findings revealed that the youth who watched the trailor and the posters of the movies did not perceive the same to be harmful. They further reasoned that there was no public health campaign against hookah by the authorities.

Thus the warning messages should be extended to advertising material like posters and trailers as well to minimize the reach and coverage of this glamorization. Also there is apathy in mass media campaigns against hookah smoking. The tobacco and other products do definitely address the harm issue but waterpipe is often neglected and this needs to be addressed. Social media can be harnessed for the same and endorsements by celebrities against waterpipe smoking can be used by educational institutes in their fight against tobacco.
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