Media campaign for law enforcers for sustained implementation of tobacco control laws in Delhi
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Sambandh Health Foundation, Gurugram, Haryana, India
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Somil Rastogi   

Sambandh Health Foundation, Gurugram, Haryana, India
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A277
Police is the main enforcement agency for general laws related to public. But public health issues like Tobacco Control are not in the priority list of this agency. Delhi Police headed by a Commissioner is divided administratively into 2 zones, 7 ranges and 15 districts covering 19 million population of capital city of India.

Sensitization and motivation of these 25 key officials of Delhi Police for enforcement of tobacco control laws Sustained action on enforcement by the Police which is very critical for effective tobacco control in Delhi.

More than 1000 Media stories on print, digital and electronic media were released on issues related to tobacco in Delhi from year 2017 to till date. Action taken by Delhi Police was highlighted in media to motivate them. Two press conferences were organized with the Delhi Police and their commitment towards the cause was reinforced. A Social Media campaign was also launched specially on Twitter as key officials of Delhi Police have official Twitter handles. They were tagged on anti tobacco messages. They were also tagged on Tweets with photos of violations in their respective jurisdiction and public reactions on Police action. These were all noticed by these officials. An exclusive monthly newsletter was also shared with the key officials to update them on issues related to tobacco along with a table of zone, range and district-wise fines made by the Police.

The media activity helped in creating sustained enforcement activity by for tobacco control laws. More than 122 thousand persons were fined by the Police for violating tobacco control laws between June 2017 and September 2019.

Targeted Media campaign to motivate and sensitize the most important law enforcement agency leads to better enforcement and compliance levels of tobacco control laws and thus to positive social behavior change in the community.
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