Compliance scenario of tobacco advertisement or promotion and product display provisions at points of sale in Chattogram city
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Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, Washington, United States
Bangladesh Institute of Theatre Arts, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Corresponding author
Mohammad Ataur Rahman   

Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, Washington, United States
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A116
Bangladesh government enacted tobacco control (TC) law and banned Tobacco Advertisement Promotion & Sponsorship (TAPS) at Points of Sale (POSs). Honorable Prime Minister declared in an international conference that Bangladesh would be tobacco-free by 2040.

To assess the current scenario of tobacco advertisement or promotion and product display at tobacco points of sale in Chattogram city

A cross-sectional study was conducted at tobacco points of sale in Chattogram city in January 2019. Systematic random sampling was used for the selection of tobacco POSs. Information was collected from tobacco POSs through observation. Trained enumerators collected information using a standardized pre-tested checklist

Information was collected from a total of 1000 tobacco points of sale. Overall, of 97% POSs were found with advertisement, promotion, or display of tobacco products. Among the POSs, 86% were found with tobacco advertisement or promotion, 86% POSs were found with the display of tobacco products, and 75% POSs were found with both advertisement or promotion and display of tobacco products. 64.7% POSs were found Posters/ signs/ stickers/ banners as advertisement or promotional materials; 55.7% mockup packs, 48.6% decorated tobacco products selling box, 38.3% paint, umbrellas, logo; 2.8% POSs were found price discounts as advertisement or promotional materials. Tobacco product displays were found at 73.2% POSs using an organized shelf, 42.7% POSs using tray, table, or other surfaces, 7.6% POSs using power wall, and 5.3% POSs using the hanging displays.

Tobacco advertisement or promotion and product display are very high at tobacco points of sale in Chattogram city. Tobacco companies are violating the TC law and attracting people to consume tobacco products, and it has been acting as a major barrier to making tobacco-free Bangladesh by 2040.
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