A new platform taps ban through child friendly cities
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Lentera Anak, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Nahla Jovial Nisa   

Lentera Anak, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A117
Based on Lentera Anak TAPS monitoring conducted in 5 cities, 85% of schools was surrounded by cigarette advertisements (2015). Furthermore, Children's Forum in 10 cities found 2,868 TAPS (2016). One of child right based on convention child rights is right to health. Indonesia has emergency youth smokers, prevalence the age group of 10-14 years keep increasing, doubling in 9 years. Based on national health research (2018), prevalence child smokers increased to 9.1% or 7.8 million children, whereas the National target is 5.4%. In Indonesia, TAPS is not banned by the government. Regulation mandated TAPS in outdoor is banned by the local government. Local government participation is very lack. So, Lentera did another approach to increase participation local government through Child Friendly City (CFC) platform because Indonesia has vision on 2030 become child friendly country.

Describe new platform TAPS Ban in Indonesia trough CFC Describe opportunity and threat advocated CFC in Indonesia based on 3 cities cases.

This research used seconder data from Indonesia's Government Law (PP) 109/2012, Child Protection Law. Also, monitoring and evaluation program through exploratory study.

Since 2016, Lentera Anak has advocated to MoWECP to included smoke free law and TAPS ban as an indicator. Until 2019 there have been 435 cities committed to become CFC. However, 103 cities have smoke free law and only 12 districts / cities have TAPS BAN. Since 2018-2019 we gave technical assistance in 7 cities and 3 of them released regulation. To released this regulation need commitment from mayor, support from technical staff, and encourage from youth and citizen. There also threat from Tobacco Industry Interference through their groups.

In Indonesia, advocating TAPS through new platform CFC is an effective way to encourage local government. Furthermore, Indonesia should have strong regulation about TAPS not only in health law but also in children regulation.
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