The progress and challenges of implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) in Kyrgyz Republic
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Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyz Republic
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A571
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Background and challenges to implementation:
The Kyrgyz Republic is Party of the WHO FCTC since August 23, 2006. This abstract analyzes progress and challenges during 10 years of implementation of WHO´s FCTC

Intervention or response:
National Tobacco Control (TC) Law was adopted on August 21, 2006, entered into force on December 19, 2006 and was amended and supplemented during 10 years 2 times. TC measures were included, as one of main priorities, in the National Program on Health Reform for 2012-2018; the National program on noncommunicable diseases control and Prevention 2013-2020; the National Health Strategy “Health 2020” and etc.

Results and lessons learnt:
Currently tobacco smoking is completely prohibited in governmental, educational, medical, cultural and sports buildings, in entrances of residential buildings, public transports, except: trains, restaurants and bars. 12 Pictorial Health Warnings was adopted in December 2014, which is included the telephone quitline and website. Since 2016 the quitline was established. All types of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship were banned since 2009. During last 10 years Kyrgyzstan has increased tobacco excise rates for: filtered cigarettes by 670%; unfiltered cigarettes by 5000%; other tobacco products - up to 330 times. However, nasvay (a form of smokeless tobacco) is not taxed at all. This makes tax increases less effective, since smokers can switch to cheaper tobacco products. As results, tobacco use prevalence in adult men decreased only by 7% due to nasvay use, which got increased by 5% in 2005 versus 11% in 2013. The 2003, 2008, 2014 (13-15 years) GYTS results show that cigarette smoking decreased by 2-times, however, prevalence of nasvay use increased by more than 3 times.

Conclusions and key recommendations:
The above situation shows that Kyrgyz party should change tobacco control policy, adopt and implement a comprehensive tobacco control legislation (both smokeless and smoked tobacco products etc) for the effective implementation FCTC and more effective decrease tobacco use
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