Prevalence of tobacco consumption among coal mine workers in Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu, India
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Department of Public Health Dentistry, SRM Dental College, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Public Health Dentistry, Ragas Dental College and Hospital, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Public Health Dentistry, Meenakshi Dental College and Hospital, Tamil Nadu, India
Madha Dental College and Hospital, Tamil Nadu, India
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Corresponding author
M. Dinesh Dhamodhar   

Department of Public Health Dentistry, SRM Dental College, Tamil Nadu, India
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A82
Occupational environment has been associated with the tobacco use. Studies have documented the prevalence of tobacco consumption among subjects in various occupation. Though, there is a dearth of literature on prevalence of tobacco consumption among coal mine workers.

To assess the prevalence of tobacco consumption among coal mine workers in Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, India.

A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted among 603 coal mine workers in Cuddalore District. Simple random sampling method was employed to recruit the subjects. Informed consent was obtained from the participants. A Pretested questionnaire was used to collect data on tobacco consumption. The data was entered in Microsoft excel sheet. Descriptive statistics was done using SPSS software version 20.

All 603 subjects were males. The mean age of the participants was 35.01(±8.77). Totally, n=197(32.67%) subjects reported smoking habit. Of those who reported of smoking habit, cigarette smoking was reported by n=172(87.2%) subjects. Bidi smoking was reported by n=25(12.8%) subjects. None of the smokers reported of using smokeless form of tobacco.

High prevalence of tobacco smoking was observed among the workers. Combined and organized initiatives by the health care professionals, management and the people should be taken to reduce the tobacco consumption. Common risk factor approach and behavior counseling can be advocated to change their attitude towards tobacco consumption. To start tobacco cessation clinics to aid the workers in cessation of tobacco consumption. To advertise about the ill effects of tobacco by displaying pictures and information in public area and work places.
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