Policy for sustainable, safe and tobacco smoke-free environment
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NCD Care Foundation, Hyderabad, India
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Corresponding author
Deepa Katara   

NCD Care Foundation, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A81
As a country, we are committed to providing a safe, clean and healthy working environment for all of our citizens. We are also committed to promoting the health and wellbeing of our society. Our policy is not meant to "make" anyone quit. If anyone quits, it is a good thing. Our policy has two goals: to ensure that all citizens and person from other country benefit from a smoke-free environment, healthy air environment and stop passive smoking.

The Smoke-Free Policy has been developed to ensure that we provide a working environment that is conducive to the health and wellbeing for the general public. Therefore, the policy will apply to all elected members, governors, school visitors, or contractors working on any council owned premises and visitors to premises.

The policy will apply in all over the country which includes working areas, i.e., offices, buildings, public places, store rooms, commonly shared areas corridors, lifts, stairs, dining areas and toilets, training rooms, meeting rooms, basements/cellars, kitchens, and enclosed areas of building sites. Responsibility for the implementation of the Smoke-Free Policy lies with all line managers including supervisors together with the most senior member of staff and to offer encouragement to employees to access the advice and support facilities available offices. All schools will also be smoke-free.

Smoking cessation. With the support of the public Health and Safety Unit and the Primary Care Trust, smoking cessation therapy is available. Support is offered in a variety of ways from group sessions to one-to-one support. As part of this smoking cessation, support letters are provided for each individual general practitioner to assist in obtaining drug therapy on prescription patches, chewing, to stop passive smoking.

It will continue to monitor the operation of this policy and review this policy every two years.
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