Prevalence of flavored cigarettes and e-cigarettes in Uruguay: findings from the Wave 5 of the ITC Uruguay survey
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Centro de Investigación para la Epidemia del Tabaquismo, Uruguay
Universidad de la Republica Uruguay, Sociología, Uruguay
University of Waterloo, Psychology, Canada
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A247
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Uruguay has implemented strong tobacco control policies over the years which has resulted in decreased tobacco consumption. However, there is little information about flavored cigarettes and on electronic cigarettes (ECs). EC sales are banned in Uruguay. The purpose of this study is to evaluate consumption of these products.

Data is from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Uruguay Wave 5 smokers aged 18 and older in five cities. The sample size was 1,428 smokers.

The minimum age of onset of smoking was 5 years old and 96% of smokers started smoking before the age of 25. Two out of three (68.6%) smokers chose their cigarette brand because of the taste. 72.5% have tried flavored (menthol) cigarettes, and1.3% currently smoking menthol brands. Younger age (94% aged 18-24) and smokers with higher education (84% high, 74% medium, 61% low) have tried menthol cigarettes associated with. Awareness of ECs was 56% among the smokers, but it is higher among smokers aged 18-24 (62%) and smokers with higher education (81%). Among the smokers who had heard of e-cigarettes. 12.8% had tried once (higher under age 24 (24%) and higher among smokers with high education level (20%)). Among the smokers, 1.3% using EC daily and 1.9% using EC weekly.

Taste is a very important factor for Uruguayan smokers. Almost all young smokers have tried menthol cigarettes. ECs use is also on the rise, mainly among young peopleand people with higher education. There is a need for monitoring flavored cigarettes and EC consumptionto defining new regulations for them.
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