Intervention through Facebook for reducing the attractiveness of seasonal promotions of tobacco industry via Facebook: A study conducted with university students
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Department of Health Promotion, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Mihintale, Sri Lanka
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Anushka Wanninayake   

Department of Health Promotion, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Mihintale, Sri Lanka
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A233
Social media provides a wide platform to promote tobacco products. Young people are more responsive to seasonal promotions delivered through social media as they are more active within social media networks. There are no studies implemented with the online community to reduce the attractiveness of tobacco promotions.

The purpose of this study was to enable university students to identify determinants of tobacco promotions through Facebook and to reduce the attractiveness of seasonal tobacco promotions via Facebook.

The sample comprised 97 students from the Faculty of Applied Sciences in the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. Participants were categorized and added to messenger groups based on academic year and gender. Online discussions were conducted with students. They were asked to observe their Facebook walls on tobacco promotions. They were enabled to identify and prioritize determinants of tobacco promotions delivered through Facebook. Understanding on industrial influences of tobacco promotions, the attractive image created for tobacco use within Facebook and the short term, long term hams of tobacco use were improved among study participants through online discussions.

Participants identified determinants of the attractive image created through tobacco promotions. The majority of participants (40%) identified "trend raised with tobacco promotional posts which aim seasons such as Christmas, new year and valentine's day” as the most influential determinant affect for tobacco promotions. Students identified seasonal promotional posts on tobacco and created against posts to reduce those tobacco promotions. Actively engaging with online discussions, participants built 08 posts and one video which were capable of reducing the attractive image of tobacco promotion and shared on their Facebook walls targeting seasons mentioned above.

It is a successful approach to involve university students and give ownership by empowering them as an online community to identify determinants of tobacco promotions and reduce the attractiveness of seasonal tobacco promotions through Facebook.
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