Exposure to secondhand smoke in Armenia: STEPS survey
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National Institute of Health, Ministry of Health, Yerevan, Armenia
Publication date: 2018-10-03
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А. Torosyan   

National Institute of Health, Ministry of Health, Yerevan, Armenia
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 3):A47
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The goal of the survey was to evaluate the prevalence of the main non-communicable disease risk factors in 18-69 age groups in order to ensure more efficient planning of noncommunicable disease control and prevention activities and policies and to provide baseline data to assist national health policies on control of tobacco use among the population. Survey includes the rates of the exposure of secondhand smoke among population of Armenia.

Based on multistage cluster sampling methodology for non-communicable disease surveillance, a total of 2380 participants aged 18–69 years participated in the survey and ensured representational data for this age group. Data was collected using the standardized stepwise approach for NCD risk factor surveillance and was conducted with financial and technical assistance of the WHO.

The habit of smoking at home, at work or when being a guest is quite popular in our society because the majority of the population is passive smokers. More than half (56.4%) of the respondents were revealed to be exposed to secondhand smoking at their homes and 26.6% in closed areas at their workplace. Thus, it can be concluded that every second person in our country is a passive smoker.

STEPS aims also at understanding the prevalence of exposure to secondhand smoke; assessing the levels of awareness of the dangers of secondhand smoke, as well as drafting a new regulation on tobacco prevention based on best practices and approaches from worldwide. The survey results may also serve as the basis for coordination of measures to prevent exposure to secondary smoke and to reduce the consumption of tobacco products and their substitutes.
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