Exposure of children to second-hand smoke is abuse: A new definition
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Jumonji University Healthcare Center, Saitama, Japan
Publication date: 2019-10-12
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2019;17(Suppl 1):A56
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government was the first part of the country to enact laws to protect children from second-hand smoke starting in April 2018. Regulations on second-hand smoke in homes and private automobiles are commonplace in developed nations, but in our country this could be considered ground-breaking. We conducted an opinion poll of people in a variety of occupations regarding the need for such regulations.

Speakers at lectures on tobacco countermeasures held from October through December 2017 after the regulations in the Tokyo area were enacted presented an anonymous questionnaire to about 600 people of various occupations before classifying and examining their responses by gender and occupation.

1) Regarding legal regulations to protect children from second-hand smoke, the majority responded that they are "necessary," followed by "notify guardians of the dangers first."
2) The responses to the question of whether smoking in the home or private automobiles was abuse, the responses were split evenly between "abuse" and "cannot be called abuse".
In our country abuse is defined as 4 categories: physical abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse and neglect, with "physical abuse" covering bone fractures and external wounds. It does not include respiratory illness, tympanitis, developmental disorders and other such damage, but inasmuch as these threaten the development of children, they can be called abuse. In many other countries and provinces smoking with children in private automobiles is already prohibited.

The presenters have already conducted surveys regarding signage prohibiting smoking in children's playgrounds around the countries, but as of yet only 10% of such playgrounds have signage prohibiting smoking.
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