Experimental animal models for COPD: a methodological review
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Pharmaceutical Research Centre and Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
Neurogenic Inflammation Research Centre and Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
Submission date: 2016-11-19
Acceptance date: 2017-04-19
Publication date: 2017-05-02
Corresponding author
Mohammad Hossein Boskabady   

Neurogenic Inflammation Research Centre and Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad 9177948564, Iran
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2017;15(May):25
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive disorder that makes the breathing difficult and is characterized by pathological conditions ranging from chronic inflammation to tissue proteolysis. With regard to ethical issues related to the studies on patients with COPD, the use of animal models of COPD is inevitable. Animal models improve our knowledge about the basic mechanisms underlying COPD physiology, pathophysiology and treatment. Although these models are only able to mimic some of the features of the disease, they are valuable for further investigation of mechanisms involved in human COPD.

We searched the literature available in Google Scholar, PubMed and ScienceDirect databases for English articles published until November 2015. For this purpose, we used 5 keywords for COPD, 3 for animal models, 4 for exposure methods, 3 for pathophysiological changes and 3 for biomarkers. One hundred and fifty-one studies were considered eligible for inclusion in this review.

According to the reviewed articles, animal models of COPD are mainly induced in mice, guinea pigs and rats. In most of the studies, this model was induced by exposure to cigarette smoke (CS), intra-tracheal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and intranasal elastase. There were variations in time course and dose of inducers used in different studies. The main measured parameters were lung pathological data and lung inflammation (both inflammatory cells and inflammatory mediators) in most of the studies and tracheal responsiveness (TR) in only few studies.

The present review provides various methods used for induction of animal models of COPD, different animals used (mainly mice, guinea pigs and rats) and measured parameters. The information provided in this review is valuable for choosing appropriate animal, method of induction and selecting parameters to be measured in studies concerning COPD.
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Effect of IRAK-M on Airway Inflammation Induced by Cigarette Smoking
Haihong Gong, Tao Liu, Wei Chen, Weixun Zhou, Jinming Gao
Mediators of Inflammation
Early and late pulmonary effects of nebulized LPS in mice: An acute lung injury model
Natália de Souza Xavier Costa, Gabriel Ribeiro Júnior, Adair Aparecida dos Santos Alemany, Luciano Belotti, Douglas Hidalgo Zati, Marcela Frota Cavalcante, Mariana Matera Veras, Susan Ribeiro, Esper Georges Kallás, Paulo Hilário Nascimento Saldiva, Marisa Dolhnikoff, Luiz Fernando Ferraz da Silva, Nades Palaniyar
Autoantibodies in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Lifang Wen, Susanne Krauss-Etschmann, Frank Petersen, Xinhua Yu
Frontiers in Immunology
Xiaoqinglong Decoction Attenuates Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Rats via Inhibition of Autophagy
Huanan Wang, Bing Mao, Chang Chen
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Fate of PEGylated antibody fragments following delivery to the lungs: Influence of delivery site, PEG size and lung inflammation
Harshad P. Patil, Danielle Freches, Linda Karmani, Gregg A. Duncan, Bernard Ucakar, Jung Soo Suk, Justin Hanes, Bernard Gallez, Rita Vanbever
Journal of Controlled Release
Ethyl rosmarinate inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide and prostaglandin E 2 production in alveolar macrophages
Hathairat Thammason, Pichit Khetkam, Wachirachai Pabuprapap, Apichart Suksamrarn, Duangkamol Kunthalert
European Journal of Pharmacology
Establishment and Evaluation of a Rat Model of Sidestream Cigarette Smoke-Induced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Genfa Wang, Nabijan Mohammadtursun, Jing Sun, Yubao Lv, Hualiang Jin, Jinpei Lin, Lingwen Kong, Zhengxiao Zhao, Hongying Zhang, Jingcheng Dong
Frontiers in Physiology
Lung Dendritic Cells Drive Natural Killer Cytotoxicity in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease via IL-15Rα
Donna K. Finch, Valerie R. Stolberg, John Ferguson, Henrih Alikaj, Mohamed R. Kady, Bradley W. Richmond, Vasiliy V. Polosukhin, Timothy S. Blackwell, Lisa McCloskey, Jeffrey L. Curtis, Christine M. Freeman
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Mimetic peptide AC2-26 of annexin A1 as a potential therapeutic agent to treat COPD
Lucas Possebon, Sara S. Costa, Helena R. Souza, Lucas R. Azevedo, Monielle Sant'Ana, Melina M. Iyomasa-Pilon, Sonia M. Oliani, Ana Paula Girol
International Immunopharmacology
Implication of C-type lectin receptor langerin and keratan sulfate disaccharide in emphysema
Yasuhiko Kizuka, Sushil Mishra, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Naoyuki Taniguchi
Cellular Immunology
Systemic bone loss, impaired osteogenic activity and type I muscle fiber atrophy in mice with elastase-induced pulmonary emphysema: Establishment of a COPD-related osteoporosis mouse model
Manabu Tsukamoto, Toshiharu Mori, Ke-Yong Wang, Yasuaki Okada, Hokuto Fukuda, Keisuke Naito, Yoshiaki Yamanaka, Ken Sabanai, Eiichiro Nakamura, Kazuhiro Yatera, Akinori Sakai
Targeted HFpEF therapy based on matchmaking of human and animal models
Arantxa Barandiarán Aizpurua, Blanche Schroen, Marc van Bilsen, Vanessa P. M. van Empel
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Dietary Nitrite Attenuates Elastase-Induced Pulmonary Emphysema in a Mouse Model
Kunihiro Sonoda, Kazuo Ohtake, Maya Tagiri, Miku Hirata, Hazuki Tamada, Hiroyuki Uchida, Junta Ito, Jun Kobayashi
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
Eucalyptol promotes lung repair in mice following cigarette smoke-induced emphysema
Emanuel Kennedy-Feitosa, Isabella Cattani-Cavalieri, Marina Valente Barroso, Bruna Romana-Souza, Lycia Brito-Gitirana, Samuel Santos Valenca
Impact of one versus two doses of mesenchymal stromal cells on lung and cardiovascular repair in experimental emphysema
Hananda A. Poggio, Mariana A. Antunes, Nazareth N. Rocha, Jamil Z. Kitoko, Marcelo M. Morales, Priscilla C. Olsen, Miquéias Lopes-Pacheco, Fernanda F. Cruz, Patricia R. M. Rocco
Stem Cell Research & Therapy
Calpeptin attenuates cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary inflammation via suppressing calpain/IκBα signaling in mice and BEAS-2B cells
Jingjing Zuo, Zhangwei Hu, Tao Liu, Chen Chen, Zezhang Tao, Shiming Chen, Fen Li
Pathology - Research and Practice
Multi-target natural products as alternatives against oxidative stress in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Priscila Gonçalves, Nelilma Romeiro
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Non-inflammatory emphysema induced by NO2 chronic exposure and intervention with demethylation 5-Azacytidine
Zili Zhang, Jian Wang, Fei Liu, Liang Yuan, Mingjing Ding, Lingdan Chen, Jili Yuan, Kai Yang, Jing Qian, Wenju Lu
Life Sciences
Chemical modification-mediated optimisation of bronchodilatory activity of mepenzolate, a muscarinic receptor antagonist with anti-inflammatory activity
Yasunobu Yamashita, Ken-ichiro Tanaka, Naoki Yamakawa, Teita Asano, Yuki Kanda, Ayaka Takafuji, Masahiro Kawahara, Mitsuko Takenaga, Yoshifumi Fukunishi, Tohru Mizushima
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
Lung regeneration: a tale of mice and men
Maria Basil, Edward Morrisey
Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology
High nicotine exposure in rodents is unlikely to inform about its toxicity in humans
Rosalia Emma, Riccardo Polosa, Massimo Caruso
European Respiratory Journal
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes activate and shift polarization of pulmonary macrophages and dendritic cells in an in vivo model of chronic obstructive lung disease
Seraina Beyeler, Selina Steiner, Carlos Wotzkow, Stefan Tschanz, Sengal Adhanom, Peter Wick, Beat Haenni, Marco Alves, Garnier von, Fabian Blank
Animal models of emphysema
Gui-Bin Liang, Zhi-Hui He
Chinese Medical Journal
PI3K Signaling in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Mechanisms, Targets, and Therapy
Flora Pirozzi, Kai Ren, Alessandra Murabito, Alessandra Ghigo
Current Medicinal Chemistry
Discovery and Contribution of Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae NTHI1441 to Human Respiratory Epithelial Cell Invasion
C. Ahearn, C. Kirkham, L. Chaves, Y. Kong, M. Pettigrew, T. Murphy, Marvin Whiteley
Infection and Immunity
Effects of Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Jun Cho, Ki Park, Jin Bae
Regenerative Therapy
Recent advances on animal models related to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Shan Jiang, Nabjian Mohammadtursun, Jian Qiu, Qiuping Li, Jing Sun, Jingcheng Dong
Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine
Immune modulation by chronic exposure to waterpipe smoke and immediate-early gene regulation in murine lungs
Hermes Reyes-Caballero, Bongsoo Park, Jeffrey Loube, Ian Sanchez, Vinesh Vinayachandran, Youngshim Choi, Juhyung Woo, Justin Edwards, Marielle Brinkman, Thomas Sussan, Wayne Mitzner, Shyam Biswal
Tobacco Control
IL10 deficiency promotes alveolar enlargement and lymphoid dysmorphogenesis in the aged murine lung
Alla Malinina, Dustin Dikeman, Reyhan Westbrook, Michelle Moats, Sarah Gidner, Hataya Poonyagariyagorn, Jeremy Walston, Enid Neptune
Aging Cell
Modélisation de l’épithélium bronchique dans la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive par les cellules souches pluripotentes induites humaines
M. Fieldès, E. Ahmed, C. Bourguignon, J. Mianné, C. Vernisse, A. Fort, I. Vachier, A. Bourdin, S. Assou, Vos De
Revue des Maladies Respiratoires
miR-223: A Key Regulator in the Innate Immune Response in Asthma and COPD
Mirjam Roffel, Ken Bracke, Irene Heijink, Tania Maes
Frontiers in Medicine
Blood neutrophil counts are associated with exacerbation frequency and mortality in COPD
Mike Lonergan, Alison Dicker, Megan Crichton, Holly Keir, Dyke Van, Hana Mullerova, Bruce Miller, Ruth Tal-Singer, James Chalmers
Respiratory Research
Socheongryongtang suppresses COPD-related changes in the pulmonary system through both cytokines and chemokines in a LPS COPD model
Soon-Young Lee, Seung-Sik Cho, Chun-Sik Bae, Min-Suk Bae, Dae-Hun Park
Pharmaceutical Biology
Feikang granules ameliorate pulmonary inflammation in the rat model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease via TLR2/4-mediated NF-κB pathway
Liuliu Yang, Minyong Wen, Xiaohong Liu, Kai Wang, Yong Wang
BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies
External radiofrequency as a novel extracorporeal therapy for emphysema
Takeyuki Wada, Jen-erh Jaw, Masashi Tsuruta, Konosuke Moritani, Mai Tsutsui, Anthony Tam, Dragoş Vasilescu, Chung Cheung, Kei Yamasaki, Samuel Lichtenstein, Lindsay Machan, Dan Gelbart, S. Man, Don Sin
European Respiratory Journal
Haemophilus influenzae persists in biofilm communities in a smoke-exposed ferret model of COPD
Benjamin Hunt, Denise Stanford, Xin Xu, Jindong Li, Amit Gaggar, Steven Rowe, S. Raju, W. Swords
ERJ Open Research
Gene Therapy in Rare Respiratory Diseases: What Have We Learned So Far?
Lucía Bañuls, Daniel Pellicer, Silvia Castillo, María Navarro-García, María Magallón, Cruz González, Francisco Dasí
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Differential lung inflammation and injury with tobacco smoke exposure in Wistar Kyoto and spontaneously hypertensive rats
Alexa Pham, Ching-Wen Wu, Xing Qiu, Jingyi Xu, Suzette Smiley-Jewell, Dale Uyeminami, Priya Upadhyay, Dewei Zhao, Kent Pinkerton
Inhalation Toxicology
The impact of periodontitis in the course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Pulmonary and systemic effects
Ellen Rosa, Felipe Murakami-Malaquias-da-Silva, Marlon Palma-Cruz, Carvalho de, Auriléia Brito, Lucas Andreo, Sergio Kamei, Renata Negreiros, Maria Rodrigues, Raquel Mesquita-Ferrari, Sandra Bussadori, Kristianne Fernandes, Ana Ligeiro-de-Oliveira, Adriana Lino-Dos-Santos-Franco, Anna Horliana
Life Sciences
Toxicological Evaluation of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Products
Florian Martin, Bjoern Titz, Stefan Frentzel, Walter Schlage, Nikolai Ivanov, Julia Hoeng, Manuel Peitsch

LINC00987 Ameliorates COPD by Regulating LPS-Induced Cell Apoptosis, Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Autophagy Through Let-7b-5p/SIRT1 Axis

Yuanyuan Wang, Jingjing Chen, Wei Chen, Ling Liu, Mei Dong, Juan Ji, Die Hu, Nianzhi Zhang
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
IL-17C contributes to NTHi-induced inflammation and lung damage in experimental COPD and is present in sputum during acute exacerbations
Giovanna Vella, Felix Ritzmann, Lisa Wolf, Andreas Kamyschnikov, Hannah Stodden, Christian Herr, Hortense Slevogt, Robert Bals, Christoph Beisswenger, Ali Yildirim
Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles ameliorate airway inflammation in a rat model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Noridzzaida Ridzuan, Norashikin Zakaria, Darius Widera, Jonathan Sheard, Mitsuru Morimoto, Hirofumi Kiyokawa, Isa Mohd, Singh Chatar, Kong-Yong Then, Ghee-Chien Ooi, Badrul Yahaya
Stem Cell Research & Therapy
Drug Discovery and Evaluation: Methods in Clinical Pharmacology
S. Keir-Rudman, Y. Riffo-Vasquez, Cabrera Robaina, C. Page
Characterization of an elastase-induced emphysema model in immune-deficient rats
David Becerra, Sydney Jeffs, Gregory Wojtkiewicz, Harald Ott
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Asthma-COPD overlap: current understanding and the utility of experimental models
Xiaofan Tu, Chantal Donovan, Richard Kim, Peter Wark, Jay Horvat, Philip Hansbro
European Respiratory Review
A 7-month inhalation toxicology study in C57BL/6 mice demonstrates reduced pulmonary inflammation and emphysematous changes following smoking cessation or switching to e-vapor products
Ashutosh Kumar, Ulrike Kogel, Marja Talikka, Celine Merg, Emmanuel Guedj, Yang Xiang, Athanasios Kondylis, Bjoern Titz, Nikolai Ivanov, Julia Hoeng, Manuel Peitsch, Joshua Allen, Amit Gupta, Anthony Skowronek, K Lee
Toxicology Research and Application
Blockade of PD-1 decreases neutrophilic inflammation and lung damage in experimental COPD
Felix Ritzmann, Kai Borchardt, Giovanna Vella, Praneeth Chitirala, Adrian Angenendt, Christian Herr, Michael Menger, Markus Hoth, Annette Lis, Rainer Bohle, Robert Bals, Christoph Beisswenger
American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology
Rna-Based Regulation in Human Health and Disease
Ankur Kulshreshtha, Anurag Agrawal
Why new biology must be uncovered to advance therapeutic strategies for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Jennifer Nguyen, Douglas Robinson, Venkataramana Sidhaye
American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology
The role of biomaterials and three dimensional (3D) in vitro tissue models in fighting against COVID-19
Amir Seyfoori, Meitham Amereh, Seyed Dabiri, Esfandyar Askari, Tavia Walsh, Mohsen Akbari
Biomaterials Science
Enhanced lung inflammatory response in whole-body compared to nose-only cigarette smoke-exposed mice
Jef Serré, Ajime Tanjeko, Carolien Mathyssen, An-Sofie Vanherwegen, Tobias Heigl, Rob Janssen, Eric Verbeken, Karen Maes, Bart Vanaudenaerde, Wim Janssens, Ghislaine Gayan-Ramirez
Respiratory Research
Inflammatory Biomarkers Interleukin 1 Beta (IL-1β) and Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF-α) Are Differentially Elevated in Tobacco Smoke Associated COPD and Biomass Smoke Associated COPD
Prasad Shyam, Sindaghatta Chaya, V Kumar, Maheswarappa Mahendra, Biligere Jayaraj, Komarla Lokesh, Koustav Ganguly, Padukudru Mahesh
Aerobic Exercise Alleviates Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Apoptosis in Mice with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Xishuai Wang, Zhiqing Wang, Donghui Tang
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
A 6-month inhalation toxicology study in Apoe−/− mice demonstrates substantially lower effects of e-vapor aerosol compared with cigarette smoke in the respiratory tract
Ee Wong, Justyna Szostak, Bjoern Titz, Tom Lee, Sin Wong, Oksana Lavrynenko, Celine Merg, Maica Corciulo, Jovan Simicevic, Mehdi Auberson, Dariusz Peric, Remi Dulize, David Bornand, Guo Loh, Kyeonghee Lee, Jingjie Zhang, John Miller, Walter Schlage, Emmanuel Guedj, Thomas Schneider, Blaine Phillips, Patrice Leroy, Mohamed Choukrallah, Nicolas Sierro, Ansgar Buettner, Yang Xiang, Arkadiusz Kuczaj, Nikolai Ivanov, Karsta Luettich, Patrick Vanscheeuwijck, Manuel Peitsch, Julia Hoeng
Archives of Toxicology
Animal models of pulmonary hypertension: Getting to the heart of the problem
Joshua Dignam, Tara Scott, Barbara Kemp‐Harper, Adrian Hobbs
British Journal of Pharmacology
Magnesium isoglycyrrhizinate inhibits airway inflammation in rats with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Ye Yang, Lei Huang, Chongchong Tian, Bingjun Qian
BMC Pulmonary Medicine
Isoforskolin Alleviates AECOPD by Improving Pulmonary Function and Attenuating Inflammation Which Involves Downregulation of Th17/IL-17A and NF-κB/NLRP3
Chuang Xiao, Sha Cheng, Runfeng Li, Yutao Wang, Deyou Zeng, Haiming Jiang, Yaping Liang, Rong Huang, Hanxiao Pan, Xiao Wu, Yan Fang, Chen Chen, Xian Li, Rongping Zhang, Xinhua Wang, Zifeng Yang, Weimin Yang
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Mesenchymal stromal cells-based therapy in a murine model of elastase-induced emphysema: Simvastatin as a potential adjuvant in cellular homing
de Arruda, Júnior Silva, Andrade Caetano, Mirian Bassi, Eduardo Colombari, Dalila Zanette, João Ribeiro-Paes
Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
An innate contribution of human nicotinic receptor polymorphisms to COPD-like lesions
Julie Routhier, Stéphanie Pons, Mohamed Freidja, Véronique Dalstein, Jérôme Cutrona, Antoine Jonquet, Nathalie Lalun, Jean-Claude Mérol, Mark Lathrop, Jerry Stitzel, Gwenola Kervoaze, Muriel Pichavant, Philippe Gosset, Jean-Marie Tournier, Philippe Birembaut, Valérian Dormoy, Uwe Maskos
Nature Communications
Recent advances in human respiratory epithelium models for drug discovery
Naheem Yaqub, Gareth Wayne, Martin Birchall, Wenhui Song
Biotechnology Advances
Isoforskolin, an adenylyl cyclase activator, attenuates cigarette smoke-induced COPD in rats
Chuang Xiao, Sha Cheng, Haochang Lin, Zhiying Weng, Peihua Peng, Deyou Zeng, Xiaohua Du, Xiujuan Zhang, Yaqing Yang, Yaping Liang, Rong Huang, Chen Chen, Lueli Wang, Hongxiang Wu, Runfeng Li, Xinhua Wang, Rongping Zhang, Zifeng Yang, Xian Li, Xue Cao, Weimin Yang
Daphnodorin C isolated from the stems of Daphne kiusiana Miquel attenuates airway inflammation in a mouse model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Hyung Ryu, Jae-Won Lee, Mun-Ock Kim, Ro Lee, Myung-Ji Kang, Seong-Man Kim, Jae-Hong Min, Eun Oh, Yu Song, Sunin Jung, Hyunju Ro, Doo-Young Kim, Yhun Park, Su Lee, Sung-Tae Hong, Sei-Ryang Oh
Quanzhenyiqitang Reverses LPS-Induced Inflammation via Inhibiting PYK2/p38MAPK/HDAC2/CK2 Signaling Pathway in Rat Alveolar Macrophage
Ke-Qiang Chen, Da-zhi Li, Zhi-bin Chen, Chuan-lin Zhang, Bin-can Wang, Chun-e Wang, Ruchika Garg
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Exacerbation of chronic cigarette-smoke induced lung disease by rhinovirus in mice
Alexander Larcombe, Thomas Iosifidis, Rachel Foong, Luke Berry, Philip Stumbles, Deborah Strickland, Peter Sly, Anthony Kicic
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology
Epithelial uptake of Aspergillus fumigatus drives efficient fungal clearance in vivo and is aberrant in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
M. Bertuzzi, G.J. Howell, D.D. Thomson, R. Fortune-Grant, A. Möslinger, P. Dancer, Rhijn Van, N. Motsi, X. Du, A. Codling, R. Sash, M. Demirbag, E.M. Bignell
An in vivo model for extracellular vesicle–induced emphysema
Camilla Margaroli, Matthew Madison, Liliana Viera, Derek Russell, Amit Gaggar, Kristopher Genschmer, J. Blalock
JCI Insight
Antioxidant effect of ethanolic extract of Pleurotus Ostreatus on 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE) and glutathione (GSH) level in lung rats exposed to cigarette smoke
Rahimah Bhekti, Soeroto Yuwono, Djunaedi Dhianawaty, Tatang Bisri
Effects of Sirt1 on proliferation, migration, and apoptosis of endothelial progenitor cells in peripheral blood of SD rats with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Dong-Mei Sun, Jin-Jian Yao, Zhan-Ling Dong, Jin Qian, Qi-Feng Huang, Yuan-Tian Sun, Xiao-Ran Liu
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine
Comprehensive Targeted Metabolomic Study in the Lung, Plasma, and Urine of PPE/LPS-Induced COPD Mice Model
Hyeon-Young Kim, Hyeon-Seong Lee, In-Hyeon Kim, Youngbae Kim, Moongi Ji, Songjin Oh, Doo-Young Kim, Wonjae Lee, Sung-Hwan Kim, Man-Jeong Paik
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Depression of long non-coding RNA SOX2 overlapping transcript attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced injury in bronchial epithelial cells via miR-455-3p/phosphatase and tensin homolog axis and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B pathway
Chunhua Yi, Tijun Gu, Yongchang Li, Qian Zhang
Black Ginseng Extract Suppresses Airway Inflammation Induced by Cigarette Smoke and Lipopolysaccharides In Vivo
Mun-Ock Kim, Jae-Won Lee, Jae Lee, Yu Song, Eun Oh, Hyunju Ro, Dahye Yoon, Yun-Hwa Jeong, Ji-Yoon Park, Sung-Tae Hong, Hyung Ryu, Su Lee, Dae Lee
Muscarinic receptor antagonists and airway inflammation: A systematic review on pharmacological models
Luigino Calzetta, Elena Pistocchini, Beatrice Ritondo, Francesco Cavalli, Francesca Camardelli, Paola Rogliani
Animal Models Reflecting Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Related Respiratory Disorders: Translating Pre-Clinical Data into Clinical Relevance
Lloyd Tanner, Andrew Bruce Single
Journal of Innate Immunity
Lipopolysaccharide-induced murine lung injury results in long-term pulmonary changes and downregulation of angiogenic pathways
S. Tsikis, S. Fligor, T. Hirsch, A. Pan, L. Yu, H. Kishikawa, M. Joiner, P. Mitchell, M. Puder
Scientific Reports
Isorhamnetin Alleviates Airway Inflammation by Regulating the Nrf2/Keap1 Pathway in a Mouse Model of COPD
Yifan Xu, Jing Li, Zhiwei Lin, Weiquan Liang, Lijie Qin, Jiabin Ding, Shuqi Chen, Luqian Zhou
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Midkine-Notch2 Pathway Mediates Excessive Proliferation of Airway Smooth Muscle Cells in Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
Tang Deng, Qifeng Huang, Kaiwen Lin, Jin Qian, Qi Li, Lihua Li, Shuangqin Xu, Hongfang Yun, Hangfei Wang, Xinxin Wu, Heng Liu, Guiyun Jin, Xiaoran Liu
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Enhanced protective activity of 1,8-cineole on emphysema using hyaluronic acid-coated liposomes via quantitative pulmonary administration in mice
Zimin Cai, Qin Wang, Jinzhuan Xu, Jia Zhou, Zhaohui Jiang, Di Pan, Yanyan Zhang, Ling Tao, Jianqing Peng, Yi Chen, Xiangchun Shen
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology
The role of retinoid-related orphan receptor-α in cigarette smoke-induced autophagic response
Hak-Su Kim, Chang An, Danielle Teller, Su-Jin Moon, Gi Hwang, Jin Song
Respiratory Research
Human distal airways contain a multipotent secretory cell that can regenerate alveoli
Maria Basil, Fabian Cardenas-Diaz, Jaymin Kathiriya, Michael Morley, Justine Carl, Alexis Brumwell, Jeremy Katzen, Katherine Slovik, Apoorva Babu, Su Zhou, Madison Kremp, Katherine McCauley, Shanru Li, Joseph Planer, Shah Hussain, Xiaoming Liu, Rebecca Windmueller, Yun Ying, Kathleen Stewart, Michelle Oyster, Jason Christie, Joshua Diamond, John Engelhardt, Edward Cantu, Steven Rowe, Darrell Kotton, Harold Chapman, Edward Morrisey
Changes in intestinal homeostasis and immunity in a cigarette smoke- and LPS-induced murine model for COPD: the lung-gut axis
Lei Wang, Charlotte Pelgrim, Marzal Peralta, Stephanie Korver, Ark van, Thea Leusink-Muis, Helvoort van, Ali Keshavarian, Aletta Kraneveld, Johan Garssen, Paul Henricks, Gert Folkerts, Saskia Braber
American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology
Induction of Accelerated Aging in a Mouse Model
Nanshuo Cai, Yifan Wu, Yan Huang
Interleukin-37 ameliorates cigarette smoke-induced lung inflammation in mice
Tingting Wu, Keye Xu, Chaobo Liu, Yan Li, Mingcai Li
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
The Marriage between Nanotechnology and Stem Cells Secretome for COPD
Avinash Kharat, Avinash Sanap, Madhura Shekatkar, Supriya Kheur, Ramesh Bhonde
Current Drug Targets
Alveolar Epithelial Cell Differentiation During Lung Repair Requires Cell-Extracellular Matrix Interactions
Jennifer Sucre, Fabian Bock, Nicholas Negretti, John Benjamin, Peter Gulleman, Xinyu Dong, Kimberly Ferguson, Christopher Jetter, Wei Han, Yang Liu, Seunghyi Kook, Jason Gokey, Susan Guttentag, Jonathan Kropski, Timothy Blackwell, Roy Zent, Erin Plosa
Increased exploration and hyperlocomotion in a cigarette smoke and LPS-induced murine model of COPD: linking pulmonary and systemic inflammation with the brain
Charlotte Pelgrim, Lei Wang, Marzal Peralta, Stephanie Korver, Ark van, Thea Leusink-Muis, Saskia Braber, Gert Folkerts, Johan Garssen, Helvoort van, Aletta Kraneveld
American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology
Metabolomics in COPD
Joaquim Gea, César Enríquez-Rodríguez, Sergi Pascual-Guardia
Archivos de Bronconeumología
Poor Translatability of Biomedical Research Using Animals — A Narrative Review
Lindsay Marshall, Jarrod Bailey, Manuela Cassotta, Kathrin Herrmann, Francesca Pistollato
Alternatives to Laboratory Animals
Potential of hydroethanolic leaf extract of Ocimum sanctum in ameliorating redox status and lung injury in COPD: an in vivo and in silico study
Atul Srivastava, Subhashini, Vinita Pandey, Vandana Yadav, Sangita Singh, Ragini Srivastava
Scientific Reports
Antioxidant effect of ethanolic extract of Pleurotus Ostreatus on 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE) and glutathione (GSH) level in lung rats exposed to cigarette smoke
Rahimah Bhekti, Soeroto Yuwono, Djunaedi Dhianawaty, Tatang Bisri
Systematic Pharmacology-Based Strategy to Explore the Mechanism of Bufei Huoxue Capsule in the Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Liangtian Shi, Jun Yan, Yufeng Meng, Guishu Wang, Jianchao Du, Cuiling Feng, Robson Faria
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Animal models and mechanisms of tobacco smoke-induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Priya Upadhyay, Ching-Wen Wu, Alexa Pham, Amir Zeki, Christopher Royer, Urmila Kodavanti, Minoru Takeuchi, Hasan Bayram, Kent Pinkerton
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B
Modeling the effects of cigarette smoke extract on influenza B virus infections in mice
Jerald Chavez, Wangyuan Yao, Harrison Dulin, Jasmine Castellanos, Duo Xu, Rong Hai
Frontiers in Immunology
Enhanced Protective Activity of 1,8-Cineole on Emphysema Using Hyaluronic Acid-Coated Liposomes via Quantitative Pulmonary Administration in Mice
Zimin Cai, Qin Wang, Jinzhuan Xu, Jia Zhou, Zhaohui Jiang, Di Pan, Yanyan Zhang, Ling Tao, Jianqing Peng, Yi Chen, Xiang-Chun Shen
SSRN Electronic Journal
BJP recommendations for publishing research on tobacco smoke and environmental tobacco smoke exposure
Reynold Panettieri, S. Stanford, Steve Alexander, Giuseppe Cirino, Christopher George, Paul Insel, Dave Kendall, Yong Ji, Hemal Patel, Christopher Sobey, Barbara Stefanska, Gary Stephens, Mauro Teixeira, Nathalie Vergnolle, Péter Ferdinandy, Amrita Ahluwalia
British Journal of Pharmacology
Characterization of a spontaneous mouse model of mild, accelerated aging via ECM degradation in emphysematous lungs
Ryosuke Tanino, Yukari Tsubata, Takamasa Hotta, Tamio Okimoto, Yoshihiro Amano, Mayumi Takechi, Tetsuya Tanaka, Tomomi Akita, Mamiko Nagase, Chikamasa Yamashita, Koichiro Wada, Takeshi Isobe
Scientific Reports
Effects of elastase-induced emphysema on muscle and bone in mice
Daichi Matsumura, Naoyuki Kawao, Katsumi Okumoto, Takashi Ohira, Yuya Mizukami, Masao Akagi, Hiroshi Kaji, Inge Roggen
Protective effect of oleo-gum resin of Commiphora wightii against elastase-induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-linked lung inflammation and emphysema: Isolation and identification of key bioactive phytoconstituent
Manpreet Kaur, Jai Malik, Amarjit Naura
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
GSPE attenuates CSE-induced lung inflammation and emphysema by regulating autophagy via the reactive oxygen species/TFEB signaling pathway
Ok Sul, Hye Choi, Jimi Oh, Seung Ra
Food and Chemical Toxicology
Cryptotanshinone alleviates lipopolysaccharide and cigarette smoke-induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in mice via the Keap1/Nrf2 axis
Hongjia Song, Lujing Jiang, Wanchun Yang, Yuxing Dai, Yao Wang, Zhuoming Li, Peiqing Liu, Jianwen Chen
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
Cigarette Smoke-Induced Respiratory Response: Insights into Cellular Processes and Biomarkers
Sang-Ryul Cha, Jimin Jang, Sung-Min Park, Se Ryu, Seong-Joon Cho, Se-Ran Yang
Engineering Translational Models of Lung Homeostasis and Disease
Rebecca Heise
Dual Impact of IGF2 on Alveolar Stem Cell Function during Tobacco-Induced Injury Repair and Development of Pulmonary Emphysema and Cancer
Hye-Jin Boo, Hye-Young Min, Choon-Sik Park, Jong-Sook Park, Ji Jeong, Shin Lee, Woo-Young Kim, Jae-Won Lee, Sei-Ryang Oh, Rang-Woon Park, Ho-Young Lee
Cancer Research
A systematical strategy for quality markers screening of different methods processing Platycodonis radix based on phytochemical analysis and the impact on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Tingting Bai, Jingying Guo, Yaling Deng, Yuqing Zheng, Jie Shang, Peng Zheng, Minmin Liu, Ming Yang, Jinlian Zhang
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Elevated Blood Pressure Occurs without Endothelial Dysfunction in a Rat Model of Pulmonary Emphysema
Elodie Desplanche, Pierre-Edouard Grillet, Quentin Wynands, Patrice Bideaux, Laurie Alburquerque, Azzouz Charrabi, Arnaud Bourdin, Olivier Cazorla, Fares Gouzi, Anne Virsolvy
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Alveolar repair following LPS-induced injury requires cell-ECM interactions
Jennifer Sucre, Fabian Bock, Nicholas Negretti, John Benjamin, Peter Gulleman, Xinyu Dong, Kimberly Ferguson, Christopher Jetter, Wei Han, Yang Liu, Seunghyi Kook, Jason Gokey, Susan Guttentag, Jonathan Kropski, Timothy Blackwell, Roy Zent, Erin Plosa
JCI Insight
Dietary tannic acid attenuates elastase-induced pulmonary inflammation and emphysema in mice
Nandhine Rajasekar, Deepa Gandhi, Ayyanar Sivanantham, Vilwanathan Ravikumar, Dharma Raj, Sudhakar Paramasivam, Sramana Mukhopadhyay, Subbiah Rajasekaran
The Quintessence of Basic and Clinical Research and Scientific Publishing
Sherry Morgan, Julie Hutt, Radhakrishna Sura
Interleukin-41 diminishes cigarette smoke-induced lung inflammation in mice
Tiantian Cen, Yifeng Mai, Jie Jin, Minxuan Huang, Mingcai Li, Shanshan Wang, Hongying Ma
International Immunopharmacology
Inhalation of electronic cigarettes slightly affects lung function and inflammation in mice
Yuxing Dai, Kun Duan, Guangye Huang, Xuemin Yang, Xingtao Jiang, Jianwen Chen, Peiqing Liu
Frontiers in Toxicology
The effect of bradykinin 1 receptor antagonist BI 1026706 on pulmonary inflammation after segmental lipopolysaccharide challenge in healthy smokers
Christina Gress, Jens Vogel-Claussen, Philipp Badorrek, Meike Müller, Kathrin Hohl, Marilisa Konietzke, Tobias Litzenburger, Wolfgang Seibold, Abhya Gupta, Jens Hohlfeld
Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Therapeutic potential of Lianhua Qingke in airway mucus hypersecretion of acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Yuanjie Hao, Tongxing Wang, Yunlong Hou, Xiaoqi Wang, Yujie Yin, Yi Liu, Ningxin Han, Yan Ma, Zhen Li, Yaru Wei, Wei Feng, Zhenhua Jia, Hui Qi
Chinese Medicine
Possible Anti-asthmatic Effect of Iraqi Ammi majus Seeds Extract Induced by Ovalbumin in Mice
Zainab Younis, Shihab Mutlag
The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine
Inhalation of Citrus Reticulata essential oil alleviates airway inflammation and emphysema in COPD rats through regulation of macrophages
Changlin Wen, Zhengqiang Yu, Juan Wang, Qing Deng, Jiajia Deng, Zhenhua Sun, Qiaobo Ye, Zhen Ye, Kaihua Qin, Xi Peng
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Mucus Structure, Viscoelastic Properties, and Composition in Chronic Respiratory Diseases
Michela Abrami, Alice Biasin, Fabiana Tescione, Domenico Tierno, Barbara Dapas, Annalucia Carbone, Gabriele Grassi, Massimo Conese, Sante Di Gioia, Domenico Larobina, Mario Grassi
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Therapeutic effect of phycocyanin on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in mice
Wenjun Li, Yuanyuan Li, Qi Wang, Runze Liu, Jianing Lu, Wenju Lu, Song Qin
Journal of Advanced Research
Zataria multiflora affects pulmonary function tests, respiratory symptoms, bronchodilator drugs use and hematological parameters in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: A randomized doubled-blind clinical trial
Vahideh Ghorani, Omid Rajabi, Majid Mirsadraee, Mahnaz Amini, Shadi Ghaffari, Mohammad Hossein Boskabady
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Airway ciliated cells in adult lung homeostasis and COPD
Laure M.G. Petit, Randa Belgacemi, Julien Ancel, Lynda Saber Cherif, Myriam Polette, Jeanne-Marie Perotin, Nathalie Spassky, Charles Pilette, Denise Al Alam, Gaëtan Deslée, Valérian Dormoy
European Respiratory Review
Tobacco introduced Perilla frutescens and Ocimum basilicum genes attenuates neutrophilic inflammation in lung tissues of COPD rats
Keqiang Wei, Xuan Zhang, Jinwen Yang, Jiayi Chen
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Investigating a Causal Role for Lung Microbiome Dysbiosis in Early Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Pathogenesis
Alexa A. Pragman
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Avena sativa’s Therapeutic Potential: Exploring Antiasthmatic Effects in Guinea Pig Asthma Model
Anil Kumar Yerragopu, V. L. Anusha, Shaik Aslam, A. Rajesh, Y. Sirisha, A. L. Harini, Shaik Faizan Ali
Toxicology International
Lianhua Qingke Preserves Mucociliary Clearance in Rat with Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease by Maintaining Ciliated Cells Proportion and Protecting Structural Integrity and Beat Function of Cilia
Xiaoqi Wang, Yuanjie Hao, Yujie Yin, Yunlong Hou, Ningxin Han, Yi Liu, Zhen Li, Yaru Wei, Kun Ma, Jiaojiao Gu, Yan Ma, Hui Qi, Zhenhua Jia
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
miR-146a regulates emphysema formation and abnormal inflammation in the lungs of two mouse models
Hitomi Yoshikawa, Tadashi Sato, Kimiko Horikoshi, Moegi Komura, Naoko Arano Nitta, Aki Mitsui, Kengo Koike, Yuzo Kodama, Kazuhisa Takahashi
American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology
Fine particulate matter contributes to COPD-like pathophysiology: experimental evidence from rats exposed to diesel exhaust particles
Zhang-fu Fang, Zhao-ni Wang, Zhe Chen, Yang Peng, Yu Fu, Yang Yang, Hai-long Han, Yan-bo Teng, Wei Zhou, Damo Xu, Xiao-yu Liu, Jia-xing Xie, Junfeng Zhang, Nan-shan Zhong
Respiratory Research
Rieske Iron-Sulfur Protein Mediates Pulmonary Hypertension Following Nicotine/Hypoxia Coexposure
Lillian N. Truong, Ed Wilson Santos, Yun-Min Zheng, Yong-Xiao Wang
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
Molecular mechanism of Jianpiyifei II granules in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Network pharmacology analysis, molecular docking, and experimental assessment
Dan Xie, Jingyu Quan, Xuhua Yu, Ziyao Liang, Yuanbin Chen, Lei Wu, Lin Lin, Long Fan
Transcriptomic characterization of the human segmental endotoxin challenge model
Christina Gress, Tobias Litzenburger, Ramona Schmid, Ke Xiao, Florian Heissig, Meike Muller, Abhya Gupta, Jens M. Hohlfeld
Scientific Reports
Pharmacological inhibition of SIRT-2 by AK-7 modulates redox status and apoptosis via regulating Nrf2 in an experimental model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an invivo and insilico study
Vandana Yadav, Vinita Pandey, Atul Srivastava, Sangita Singh, Subhashini
Free Radical Research
Role of HIF-1α in hypercoagulable state of COPD in rats
Ruicheng Deng, Xiaoyong Ma, Huifang Zhang, Juanxia Chen, Meifang Liu, Lijun Chen, Haiyang Xu
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Lung Progenitor and Stem Cell Transplantation as a Potential Regenerative Therapy for Lung Diseases
Vanessa Serna Villa, Xi Ren
Melatonin and mesenchymal stem cells co-administration alleviates chronic obstructive pulmonary disease via modulation of angiogenesis at the vascular-alveolar unit
Mira Hanna, Sabreen Sayed Elnassag, Dina Hisham Mohamed, Marawan Abd Elbaset, Olfat Shaker, Effat A. Khowailed, Sarah Ali Abdelhameed Gouda
Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology
NADH Intraperitoneal Injection Prevents Lung Inflammation in a BALB/C Mice Model of Cigarette Smoke-Induced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Nada Slama, Amina Abdellatif, Karima Bahria, Sara Gasmi, Maamar Khames, Abderrahmene Hadji, George Birkmayer, Mustapha Oumouna, Yassine Amrani, Karine Benachour
Experimental Animal Models in Respiratory Diseases
Pınar Yıldız Gülhan
Düzce Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
Lijing-Anfei Decoction Attenuates COPD 
in a Mouse Model: Network Pharmacology 
Analysis, Molecular Docking, 
and Experimental Validation
Jiajia Zhu, Jie Liu, Wei Jia, Guoqiang Shao, Haizhu Xu
Pharmacognosy Magazine
Effect of TAK242 on MCP-1 and TGF-β in COPD Rats
Deng Ruicheng, Duan Mingyu, Ma Xiaoyong, Chen Juanxia, Zhang Huifang, Liu Meifang, Chen Jian, Chen Lijun
Journal of Radiology and Oncology
Differences in Airway Remodeling and Emphysematous Lesions between Rats Exposed to Smoke from New-Type and Conventional Tobacco Varieties
Keqiang Wei, Yuanyuan Li, Bin Du, Juan Wu
Persistence of emphysema following cessation of cigarette smoke exposure requires a susceptibility factor
Zerihun Hailemariam Negasi, Naomi Nommi, Congjian Liu, Yohannes Tesfaigzi
American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology
Gaining insights into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation through emerging biomarkers and the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease assessment test score
Megha Hegde, Saurav Raj, Aishwarya S Pattanshetti, Sanatkumar Bharamu Nyamagoud
Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease
Epithelial uptake leads to fungal killing in vivo and is aberrant in COPD-derived epithelial cells
Margherita Bertuzzi, Gareth J. Howell, Darren D. Thomson, Rachael Fortune-Grant, Anna Möslinger, Patrick Dancer, Norman Van Rhijn, Natasha Motsi, Alice Codling, Elaine M. Bignell
Long-term effects of chronic exposure to electronic cigarette aerosol on the cardiovascular and pulmonary system in mice: A comparative study to cigarette smoke
Yuxing Dai, Wanchun Yang, Hongjia Song, Xiangjun He, Ruoqing Guan, Zehong Wu, Xingtao Jiang, Min Li, Peiqing Liu, Jianwen Chen
Environment International
A novel in vitro tubular model to recapitulate features of distal airways: The bronchioid
Elise Maurat, Katharina Raasch, Alexander M. Leipold, Pauline Henrot, Maeva Zysman, Renaud Prevel, Thomas Trian, Tobias Krammer, Vanessa Bergeron, Matthieu Thumerel, Pierre Nassoy, Patrick Berger, Antoine-Emmanuel Saliba, Laetitia Andrique, Gaëlle Recher, Isabelle Dupin
Role of the Fungus Pneumocystis in IL1β Pathway Activation and Airways Collagen Deposition in Elastase-Induced COPD Animals
Krishna Coronado, Carla Herrada, Diego A. Rojas
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Physiological analyses of swallowing changes due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in anesthetized male rats
Kouta Nagoya, Takanori Tsujimura, Midori Yoshihara, Masahiro Watanabe, Jin Magara, Katsushige Kawasaki, Makoto Inoue
Frontiers in Physiology
Pulmonary delivery of magnolol-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers for COPD treatment
Bei Jia, Jiachen He, Ying Zhang, Wenli Dang, Bin Xing, Mengru Yang, Haonan Xie, Jiawei Li, Zhidong Liu
International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Tangeretin inhibits airway inflammatory responses by reducing early growth response 1 (EGR1) expression in mice exposed to cigarette smoke and lipopolysaccharide
Eun Sol Oh, Jae-Won Lee, Yu Na Song, Mun-Ock Kim, Ro Woon Lee, Myung-Ji Kang, Juhyun Lee, Seok Han Yun, Sung-Tae Hong, Hyunju Ro, Su Ui Lee
In vivo and in vitro Models of PM2.5 Induced COPD: Focus on the Role of RTA-408
Yibing Niu, Ling Zhang, Sumin Guo, Shucai Wu
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Revealing the Mechanisms of Qilongtian Capsules in the Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Based on Integrated Network Pharmacology, Molecular Docking, and In Vivo Experiments
Ying Xie, Zhengyan Li, Yiyao Liang, Tong Zhou, Xiaolin Yuan, Xuerong Su, Zhitong Zhang, Jiuba Zhang, Yi Wan, Lianlin Su, Tulin Lu, Xiaoli Zhao, Yi Fu
ACS Omega
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