E-cigarette: Threat of new dimension of tobacco - marketing, distribution and availability in Dhaka city
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Tobacco Control and Research CELL, Dhaka International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dhaka International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Publication date: 2019-10-12
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Md Bazlur Rahman   

Dhaka International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2019;17(Suppl 1):A75
Currently 37.8 million peoples are using tobacco in Bangladesh. Current user of electronic cigarettes in Bangladesh is 0.2 %. Overall 66.2 % adults both men and women current use tobacco but thinking about quitting. The objectives of the study were to identify the market, import, distribution, promotion strategy and pricing policy of e-cigarette in Bangladesh.

Cross sectional study design, qualitative and quantitative approaches, purposive sampling techniques were used to conduct the study. Semi-structured Questioner was used collect the primary data and Observational methods and in-depth interview were used to collect qualitative information.

The study found that most of the E-cigarette shops are situated nearby university area. The team found 15 big e-cigarette shops in 4 market area most of the seller started their business within 1-2 years. They sell their product mostly in two ways - one is direct sales and in the other they use online shopping system. Average device was found between 6 to10 types and the price between 550 to 35,000 BDT and the liquid price is 350 to 24,000 BDT. Their market has been rapidly expanding using aggressive marketing tactics.

Bangladesh is the first signatory country of FCTC but still now e-cigarette is un-regulated product and Tobacco Control Law has no specific definition regarding e-cigarette that’s why the company aggressively marketing their products. So, Government should ban importing and amendment the law for protecting peoples from danger of tobacco.
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