Vietnam tobacco control sustainable funding
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Vietnam Ministry of Health, Vienam Tobacco Control Fund, Viet Nam
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A105
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Background and challenges to implementation:
Vietnam is one of the 15 leading countries with highest smoking prevalence (45.3% in male and 1.1% female). Thanks to the strong political commitment, in 2012, Viet Nam passed a comprehensive tobacco control law. In which, a first ever Tobacco Control Fund using 1.5% of surcharge tax being compulsory contribution from tobacco industry is established.

Intervention or response:
The Fund is multi-sectoral with engagement across sectors and of government and civil society in advocating for and supporting the Fund. The sstrategic to have the voice of non-health players - helps to convey that the importance and relevance of the Fund is universal and cross-sectoral. A very clearly mechanism for funding, strong vision and objectives and function defined by Law. Strategic targeted focus in early days (high priority areas to reflect and address gaps in tobacco control; tight criteria for grants (proactive and critical also when move to open grants) and outcomes based funding from outsets and very detail outputs, indicators for both the Fund and its grantees. Code of conduct is strictly complied while capacity building, M&E system developed from outset

Results and lessons learnt:
After 3 years of operations, the unprecedented investment has made, spreading over 102 grantees from ministerial and mass organizations, local authority, hospitals. The series of programs are development of smoke free in different settings, communication, tobacco cessation consultancy service, capacity building, network expansion, research and evidence - based program evaluation. Smoking rate among adult males has reduced marginally from 47.4 among males to 45.3%. Secondhand tobacco smoke has reduced significantly by 18%, 23% and 43% at home, workplaces and public transport respectively. Prevalence among youth aged 13-15 decreased from 3.3% to 2.5% between 2007 and 2014 (GATS, GYTS).

Conclusions and key recommendations:
Low tax and price, high rate of tobacco second hand smoke in hospitality settings, tobacco industry interference.
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