Member states of the FCTC can generate self-sustaining funding by applying the polluter-pay principle to the tobacco industry
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Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada, Canada
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A106
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Background and challenges to implementation:
Compared to the size of the problem and the public health work to be done, the FCTC remains woefully underfunded. Past attempts to raise funds, whether through assessed contributions, voluntary contributions, Overseas Development Assistance or other means have not generated funds commensurate with the size of the problem.

Intervention or response:
The FCTC contains mechanisms for establishing subisidiary bodies. One such body could be established to receive funds from a new levy on tobacco revenue. For most FCTC member states this levy would be on money about to leave the country, destined for the head offices of multinational tobacco companies. Member states could agree to send a portion of the money so raised to WHO for global tobacco control programming. The rest could be used for national and regional tobacco control work.

Results and lessons learnt:
A 5% levy, administered globally, would yield about USD one billion per year. If USD 200 million were designated for global tobacco control, Member States would collectively still have USD 800 million to spend on national and regional tobacco control programming.

Conclusions and key recommendations:
At the next meeting of the Conference of the Parties, FCTC Member States should agree on a new globally coordinated tobacco levy, to be imposed by each Member State. At least USD 200 million should be designated for global tobacco control programming, to be administered by WHO, with the remainder of the proceeds from the levy to be spent on national and regional tobacco control programming.
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