Trends of smoking cessation status: The implementation of the 5A’s smoking cessation model among smokers in Pathum Health Promoting Hospital
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Pathum Health Promoting Hospital, Thailand
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Sumrarn Phulthong   

Pathum Health Promoting Hospital, Pathum Subdistrict, Muang District, Ubonrachathanee, Thailand
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A199
Smoking, passive smoking, and tobacco use are a common risk factor to the main non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including several cancers, and are the leading cause of premature death in Thai population. Several health organizations have adopted the 5A’s brief intervention model for effective change in smoking cessation.

This study aimed to investigate the implementation of the 5A’s smoking cessation model.

A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Pathum Health Promoting Hospital. The participants were 60 smokers who received the smoking cessation program and age over 15 years. Demographic data was recorded and documented during face to face interviews with questionnaire. Nicotine dependence was examined by Fagerstrom test. The stages of change model were developed to examine the changes in smoking cessation among smokers at 1, 3, 6 months. Descriptive statistics was used to describe the results

After 1 month in implementation of the 5A’s smoking cessation model, our results showed that twenty-five smokers reported quit smoking. 32 smokers were reducing smoking and only 3 smokers were still smoking. In addition, we found that 21 smokers were quit smoking after 6 months. Only 4 smokers were repeating smoking. The results suggest that friend smoking behaviors and having family stresses contribute to repeated smoking. we found the factors specifically were involved in successful smoking cessation included health condition of themselves, families’ health, and expenses of a pack of cigarettes.

The 5A’s for smoking cessation model can be finding a motivation to support smokers toward quitting and significantly reduce smoking among smokers. Therefore, the healthcare professionals and healthcare volunteers should be received intensive and interactive workshop based on the 5A’s to support smokers at varying stages of change toward quitting.
The cost-effectiveness of improved brief interventions for tobacco cessation in Thailand
Rungrat Palakai, Bundit Sornpaisarn, Yothin Sawangdee, Sutthida Chuanwan, Pairoj Saonuam, Piyawat Katewongsa, Jürgen Rehm
Frontiers in Public Health
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