Tobacco industries massive marketing: Target university students
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Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust, Rayer Bazar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
National Tobacco Control Cell, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance, Dhaka, Bangladesh
BBC Media Action
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Corresponding author
Samiul Hassan Shajib   

Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust, Rayer Bazar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A271
Smoking and Tobacco Products Uses (Control) Act 2005 has banned all sorts of tobacco advertisement, promotion and sponsorship’s. Unfortunately, this section of law is being ignored by the tobacco industries, TIs also misled law among small and illiterate shop owners and push them to display tobacco products at the points of sales. Dhanmondi is a mixed area through establishing universities, restaurants and fast-food shops, hospitals and clinics, markets, banks, parlors, and residential buildings. Thirteen Private Universities in Dhanmondi with about 30 thousand students, teachers and officials.

To find out advertisement method of TI among youth (Student) we conduct this observation

A simple survey has been conducted to know the tobacco marketing with targeting university students. This survey conducted among all Private Universities situated in Dhanmondi area.

Among all universities, point of sales of tobacco products is available in front of university buildings and/near to the buildings, within 25 yards. This point of sales is a special tobacco brand colored box provided by TIs which front side is use for tobacco advertisement. 87% shops display tobacco products, a form of tobacco advertisement, which is banned by the tobacco control law. Poster, sticker, leaflet, blank packet, brand color and logo, tobacco lighter with brand color, box with brand color are forms of display was found. TIs also doing other types of illegal promotional activities, such as free distribution of cigarettes, game competition and provide winners free cigarettes, lighter, t-shirt with brand colors, lower prices etc. During the observation time in a day, buyers of tobacco products are mostly students (93%).

Government needs to take initiatives to conduct mobile courts against law violation of tobacco control law. Also need to address and ban all sorts of tobacco advertisement in front of universities and others educational institutions all around the country.
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