IAWER technique to Implement TAPS Ban
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Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust, Bangladesh
National Tobacco Control Cell
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Md. Abu Rayhan   

Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust, Bangladesh
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A145
Section 5 of the 2013 amendment of the Smoking and Tobacco Products Uses (Control) Act banned direct and indirect tobacco advertisement and promotions. National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) of the Government of Bangladesh is continuing various efforts to ensure effective enforcement of this law and Tobacco Industries (TIs) are violating law in various ways.

Identify gaps and challenges of the enforcement of tobacco control law that banned tobacco advertisements and promotions and TIs tactics.

Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance (BATA), national anti-tobacco platform used map, monitor & collect information about TIs activities regarding advertisement, promotion, and sponsorship. Across the country, BATA members followed IAWER techniques (Identification, Administrative and Awareness, Warning, Enforcement, Reporting and Result). Then the findings with a forwarding letter was sent to the relevant authorities (such as district/sub-district administrations and district/sub-district Task-forces) to take proper action against law violation by TIs. As a part of intervention, various campaigns was organized, meetings to sensitize shop owners and different stakeholders with highlighting TC law that banned TAPS.

Through in-depth observation around the country, this study found that, TIs are advertising tobacco products by using brand color, logo/symbol and sample packets of cigarettes. TIs are setting up decorated points of sale of tobacco products in the public places including in-front of schools, play grounds etc. to attract young people. TIs attracting people (both shop owner & users) by giving them gifts. TIs also sponsor cultural and sport events as part of their Corporate Social Responsible (CSR) activities. Once BATA and member organizations informed authorities about the violation of law then authorities’ conducts mobile courts to remove advertisements.

To protect youth from initiation of smoking, implementation of TAPS Ban provision is important. For this purpose, IAWER is an effective technique that provides opportunity to increase awareness and warn people before enforcement.
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