Therapeutic based on community in organization program; TCO
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Psychologist New Step Clinic, Department of Health, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Bangkok, Thailand
Krubb Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Shaowpicha Techo   

Psychologist New Step Clinic, Bangkok Public Health Center 41 (Klong Toei), Department of Health, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Bangkok, Thailand
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A196
Nowadays, Accession to health services is neglected as well as drug and substance abuse treatment system, also cigarettes.. It’s cause serious problems and affect to health. Providing services to reach different target groups in different contexts is therefore a very challenging issue for limited therapists. So that, it’s necessary to have a person as an intermediary to reach various target groups, including counseling, screening, following up and understanding referral system through supervision by expert staff continuously.

This study aim to study the effect of TCO.

The samples were employees in an establishment about transportation with various positions. Purposively selected from general staff level to manager level within 1,079 cases. Samples had trained about danger, harm and effects from drugs abuse and cigarettes to find volunteers into treatment system and enroll the volunteers to recruit for being voluntary counselor or called “TCO Gang; TG”. Then TG have to train about basic counseling, screening, following up and motivational talking.

The result show that 27.64% of samples can quit smoking by this program meanwhile the detection of substance testing of population was also decreased to 39.18%. TG can expand the network up 13 other establishments within 1 year (2018). In addition, TG has been extended to other target groups in 2019, including 4 schools/universities called youth counselors; YC, 7 TGs of LGBT and sex workers called TCO+(appended on mental health and STI), 9 TGs through online system by a group of famous online social networks user; Net-idol called TCE.

This model clearly show that having people who have a social context and close contact with the target group as an intermediary in integrating cooperation and reaching that target group the result is satisfactory, beneficial and can reach target groups closer.
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