The implementation of the quit-calendar for public health system under the ‘Quit for King’ project, Thailand: Phase II
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College of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, That, Thailand
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A155
From Phase I ‘Quit for King’ Project, the Quit-Calendar was implemented into cessation process via training programs. Next step, the evaluation of the effectiveness of Quit-Calendar was launched.

To evaluate the effectiveness of Quit-Calendar regarding smoking cessation.

A quasi-experimental study was used. Totally there were 111 public health volunteers in the study. They underwent the processes of the combination between ‘cold turkey’, 5A counseling and Quit Calendar. All volunteers were followed at 2-weeks, 1-, 3-, and 6-month periods. The prevalence abstinence rate (PAR), continuous abstinent rate (CAR), the relation between Quit-Calendar and numbers of quitters, and etc. were analyzed via both descriptive and analytical statistics.

Overall, there were 107 volunteers enrolled in the program. They mostly aged between 30- 40 years (65%), history of alcohol drinking (35%), history of non-communicable diseases (15%). An average Fagerstrom scores was 4.5. Most volunteers preferred smoking cigarettes (RYO) (50%) rather than factory cigarettes (32%). An average cigarette rolls/day were equal to 10. PAR values at 1-,3-,6-month period were 10, 18.30, and 26.11%, respectively. Regarding CAR, at the end of 6-month period, the value was 26.11% (33 cases). Noticeably, Quit-Calendar was statistically significant related to numbers of quitters (p= 0.001; McNemar Test). It meant numbers of quitters were gradually increased between before-and-after Quit-Calendar implementation. Interestingly, a number of cigarettes, history of medical illness, and levels of ‘ready-to-quit’ were statistically related to the quit success (p= 0.009, 0.012, 0.037, consecutively). The overall satisfaction of Quit-Calendar use was 45.25 (50) represented ‘high’ level. Thus most users are willing to apply it for routine smoking cessation.

Quit-Calendar is promising to enhance the quit success along with 5A counseling. The key factors to help quitters stop smoking successfully include numbers of cigarettes, medical conditions, and readiness of giving up smoking.
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