The analysis of mortality age between smoker and non-smoker male patients from the point of the prevalence COPD and malignant tumor
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Cardiology, Respiratory, and Allergy Department, Hiroshi Tamura's Hilltop Clinic, Kitakami City, Japan
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Chikako Hibino   

Cardiology, Respiratory, and Allergy Department, Hiroshi Tamura's Hilltop Clinic, Kitakami City, Japan
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A162
According to the Ministry of Health survey in 2016,the 36.5% of male smokers in Iwate prefecture was higher than the average 31.1% of the male smokers in Japan. We know that the average mortality is younger than the non-smokers and also having high probability rate of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and malignant tumor.

To show the past records of similar cases to the present Japanese patients as well as to the future ones who are smokers of the prefecture “IWATE” about smoking experience, COPD and malignant tumor.

The objects came from the patients who died from Nov. 2014 to Mar.2019, and there were 659 people (408 male, 251 female).When they first visited, 297 males(76.4±12.2 years) had known smoking history, and were investigated due to their COPD and malignant tumor based on their medical chart.

Total of 42% were smoker. The average mortality age of the smokers was 86 (72.1±13.3 years), younger than 86 ex-smokers(80.0±9.7 years) and 87 non-smokers (79.1±11.1 years), (p<0.01). 29% of them were COPD patients, and the number of the COPD patients in ex-smokers and smokers was more than those of non-smokers (p<0.01).The average mortality age of smoker with or without COPD was younger than ex-smokers and non-smokers.19% of them were malignant tumor patients, and the number of malignant tumor patients wasn't significant in smoking history. The average mortality age of smokers without malignant tumor was younger than ex-smokers and non-smokers.

The experience of male smokers is over 70%. The average mortality age of Smokers is younger compared to ex-smokers and non-smokers, and those of two groups show the same mortality age. This study also shows the smoking experience can be associated with the increase in COPD patients. The average of smokers is still younger without other health complications such as COPD and malignant tumor.
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