Strengthening the effectiveness of Indian Penal Code (1860) regarding spitting of tobacco at public places - A case study from North region of Indian subcontinent
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National Tobacco Control Programme, Punjab, India
Publication date: 2018-10-03
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Areet Kaur   

National Tobacco Control Programme, Punjab, India
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 3):A97
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Smokeless tobacco use is on the upswing in many parts of the India. A high prevalence of smokeless tobacco use leads to a high prevalence of spitting, creating an unaesthetic and unhygienic environment. This may lead to the spread of diseases, including tuberculosis, thus posing a threat to the health of public. The study aimed to develop a mechanism to ban spitting Tobacco at Public places.

During the State level co-ordination Committee meeting of all the stakeholders, brainstorming was done to tackle the issue of public spitting of tobacco. The methodology was developed following a consensus-based decision was made by the expert panel to ban spitting under IPC, 1860.

A circular was issued by Additional Chief Secretary, Home affairs to all the Deputy Commissioners and Police Officials to implement ban on spitting tobacco at public places under sections 268, 269 and 278 of IPC, 1860. The monetary penalty was included for the violators. Total 28 Police officers were appointed as Nodal Officers in all the 22 districts of the state to implement the ban.

Banning spitting of tobacco at public places would thus have a double benefit – it would aid in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan & discourage the use of chewable tobacco, thus reducing the prevalence of Oral cancer.

National Tobacco Control Programme, Punjab.
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