Stopping illicit foreign cigarette business in local area of Bangladesh: ‘Sirajganj’ is a model district
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Development of Disadvantage People (DDP)
National Tobacco Control Cell, Health Services Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust
The Union
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Quazi Md. Sohel Rana   

Development of Disadvantage People (DDP)
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A139
Foreign cigarettes are being sold in different places in Bangladesh for a long. An E-cigarette includes with this which play a role in creating more smokers. Boys and girls of school and colleges were being attracted to foreign cigarettes. In the existing Tobacco control law of Bangladesh, there are provisions to stop selling non-approved cigarettes. The organization Development for Disadvantaged People (DDP) is working on stopping the import and selling of foreign cigarettes at Sirajganj. Sirajganj district is the first where activities are done to implement this particular provision of the act.

DDP aimed to aware and sensitized local government, activists, as well as media and general people

DDP collected information and pictures throughout the month. Discussed with local media representatives and publish news in the newspaper. Shared and discussed the information in the district task force committee meeting. In the meeting, a decision for conducting mobile court and discussed with the executive magistrate regarding the issue.

Overcoming the obstacles, effective results come out after taking various initiatives. Foreign cigarettes are not sold anywhere in the Sirajganj district. Many are quitting cigarettes due to unavailability of foreign cigarettes as they thought it is less harmful. Thirty-four shopkeepers have been penalized with 800,000 Taka and destroyed foreign cigarettes valued at 380,000 Taka. Many shopkeepers signed a bonds for never selling foreign cigarettes. The only cigarettes with graphic health warnings is available in the market. Market Monitoring Officer is also seriously monitoring this issue with other products. General people of Sirajganj are now well aware that foreign cigarettes are illegal products.

Despite taking the decision about the mobile court, it doesn’t happen due to various reasons. Need to advocate with the local government repeatedly for conducting mobile court to implement TC law.
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