Role of civil society action committee as a key actor for successfully implementation of bans of Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship (TAPS) under tobacco control laws in the southern coastal areas of Bangladesh
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Grambangla Unnayan Committee, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Corresponding author
A.K.M. Maksud   

Grambangla Unnayan Committee, House 93 (1st Floor), Road 1, Mohammadia Housing Society Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A108
In Bangladesh, use of tobacco is a very alarming situation. 35 percent of adults are currently using tobacco either in smoked in smokeless form (GATS 2017). However, the government of Bangladesh is seriously concerned about this issue and has enacted tobacco control law in 2005 based on FCTC-WHO. Tobacco use is comparatively higher in the southern coastal region. Due to lack of well communication in the riverine coastal region, tobacco industries are more aggressive in advertising and promoting tobacco products and tobacco users are increasing very rapidly.

Activationg civil society groups especially, community-led civil society action committees to stop Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship (TAPS) initiatives take by the tobacco industries and small traders at the point of sales (POS).

In implementing the TAPS ban initiative, Grambangla prioritized engagements of civil society as key actor to identity and monitor the local point of sales (POS). Grambangla formed Civil Society Action Committees to monitor TAPS violations and conduct media campaign to sensitize the local journalist, arrange cultural events such as, street drama highlighting adverse effects of tobacco use.

Due to efforts of civil society action committee huge number of TAPS violation incidences were identified and documented such as posters, stickers, gift items by the tobacco industries. Civil Society Action Committees facilitated in activating local task force committees and as a result task force committees initiated mobile courts in five areas and warned and fined the tobacco vendors for TAPS violations. As an effect the owners of POSs removed signboards and festoons, discount label of tobacco products etc.

Government has already declared for a “Tobacco free Bangladesh by 2040”. In achieving the vision and the SDG Target 3.a, Civil Society Action committees could be key actors for monitoring of TAPS violation towards successfully implementation of tobacco control laws of Bangladesh.
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