Leveraging to get tobacco control on development agendas in the Pacific Islands
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World Health Organization, Regional Office for Western Pacific, Manila, Philippines
Framework Convention Alliance, Geneva, Switzerland
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Corresponding author
Ada Moadsiri   

World Health Organization, Regional Office for Western Pacific, Manila, Philippines
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A3
Tobacco use is generally addressed as a health issue and often not perceived as a development challenge. This often results in limited inclusion of tobacco control on national development agendas. Identifying government development priorities and demonstrating ways by which tobacco control may advance development may result in acceleration of tobacco control.

To identify methods for advancing tobacco control through leveraging (demonstrating synergistic benefits to) government priorities in the Pacific.

Methods Common government priorities in the Pacific were identified through review of publicly available national development agendas. Ways by which tobacco control contributes to achieving each government priority, were identified. Additionally, the agendas were reviewed for lead drafting agency and civil society involvement as well as the mention of key words including “tobacco”, “WHO FCTC”, and “convention”.

Frequently identified government priorities in the Pacific which could be leveraged to accelerate tobacco control include tourism, human rights, climate change and trade. Of the 14 Pacific national development agendas, all had non-health sector leading the drafting process and involved input from civil society; only six agendas/strategies mentioned “tobacco” while only one mentioned “WHO FCTC”.

Development does not need to come at the expense of climate or health. Tobacco control can prevent economic loss by protecting food sources, livelihoods and preventing disease. Demonstrating ways by which tobacco control may support achievement of government priorities such as tourism, human rights, climate change and trade will support its acceleration. Civil society and non-health sectors will play a key role in leveraging to get tobacco control on development agendas in the Pacific Islands.
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