Realization of 100% smoke-free jail facility through will and drive
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Bureau of Jail Management and Penology - Region 6, Republic of the Philippines, Iloilo City, Philippines
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Marie Charyll H. Jamolo   

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology - Region 6, Republic of the Philippines, Iloilo City, Philippines
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A85
The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology in Region 6, Philippines is catering an average of 9,000 Persons Deprived of Liberty in the custody of its 37 jails in six provinces of the region. Sad to note that 80% of the PDL are smokers. Some are already smoking before their detention and some used and learn to smoke during their detention to counter boredom. In this challenging scenario, the health status of the PDL smokers, even non-smokers, and the personnel is at risk.

The following strategies were done to address the challenges: 1) Organized the BJMP Anti-Smoking and Wellness Advocacy Task Force and Anti-Smoking and Wellness Advocacy Program. 2) The task force and the program advocates joint efforts to reach out for jail nurses or personnel taking charge of the health concerns of the PDL. They were oriented to align all their efforts and compliance in relation to the MPOWER parameters.

100% compliance of smoke-free environment, broken down as follows: • 1 unit as recipient of Red Orchid Hall of Fame Award (ROHFA) in 2014; • 2 units as recipients of ROHFA in 2016; • Regional Office as recipient of ROHFA in 2017; • 1 unit as recipient of ROHFA in 2018; • 2 units as recipients of ROHFA in 2019; • 21 units as recipients of Red Orchid Award (ROA) for 2nd time in 2019; and • 10 units as recipients of ROA for the 1st time in 2019.

For the BJMP Regional Office VI to attain 100% Smoke-Free Jail Facility or 37 out 37 jails truly complying the DOH MPOWER parameters, with the Regional Office at the forefront being a Hall of Famer in this advocacy, really requires both will and drive.
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