Psychiatric nurses’ knowledge and practices towards patients’ tobacco-related habits in mental health hospitals in Greece
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Psychiatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Publication date: 2014-06-06
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Theodore Stathopoulos   

Psychiatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of Athens, Athens, 157-73, Greece
Tobacco Induced Diseases 2014;12(Suppl 1):AA27
The aim of this study was to identify (a) nurses’ knowledge towards patients’ smoking habits (b) nurses’ beliefs towards psychiatric patients’ smoking practices and (c) nurses’ attitudes and practices.

A questionnaire based study was contacted among psychiatric nurses working on two major psychiatric hospitals. The total sample consisted of 125 psychiatric nurses (4-year education in a faculty of nursing of Technological Educational Institute) which represents the 48% of licensed nurses working full-time.

Various practices were noted among nurses concerning the assessment of patients’ smoking history, passive smoking, smoking habits and cessation plans. The majority of nurses (56.0% yes, 28.0% sometimes) noted that psychiatric patient should be handled differently. They stated that smoking cessation may exacerbate psychiatric symptoms (38.0% yes, 62.0% sometimes) and may lead to an illness relapse (46.0% yes, 44.0% sometimes). Nurses had some knowledge about the health effects of smoking and they feel responsible to help patient quit smoking.

To our knowledge this is the first attempt to describe tobacco-related knowledge and practices among psychiatric nurses in Greece. The findings indicated that half of psychiatric nurses smoke in their work environment and are against the application of the anti-smoking law in psychiatric hospitals. They believe that psychiatric patients should be handled different from other patients even though they are aware of the dangers of smoking.
Nurses’ Perspectives on Smoking Policies, Safety and Cessation Support in Psychiatric Wards: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Ewelina Chawłowska, Monika Karasiewicz, Katarzyna Marcinkowska, Bogusz Giernaś, Paulina Jóźwiak, Agnieszka Lipiak
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