Motivating youth to mobilize community to work in tobacco control in Karnataka, India
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Sambandh Health Foundation, Haryana, India
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Pramod Kumar   

Sambandh Health Foundation, Haryana, India
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A281
National Service Scheme (NSS) is a Ministry of Youth Affairs scheme for schools & colleges students. They are volunteer for social work which is led by a Program Officer. We have involved University of Karnataka in tobacco control activities. Over Fifty thousands of NSS volunteers have accepted the leadership for a good cause and shown their interest to do anti –tobacco activities. volunteers work on various social issues such as cleanliness, disaster issues, etc. The challenge is to get their regular focus on tobacco control activities

To motivate National Service Scheme youth oriented groups to work in tobacco control to reduce prevalence in the Karnataka state.

As an intervention a workshop with the NSS was conducted with different University of Karnataka 332 Teachers and approx 64000 volunteers from 332 colleges participated in the 8 workshops. They all were sensitized on the issue of tobacco epidemic. There was a detailed discussion on solutions to tackle this epidemic in Karnataka. From each college, one TCL and one SML from volunteers were assigned for expansion of anti-tobacco activities in their respective colleges in Karnataka. A WhatsApp group was also created for them to share the activities. We have provided one link for their Activity Report. This also was tweeted on Social media through @pleg4life.

Our Pleg4life campaign for tobacco control has played significant role in sensitizing Community people and youth. August-November 2019,1157 Volunteers conducted 182 activities to sensitize 42270 people about tobacco.Many of the activities were reported in the media.

Vast majority of children initiate tobacco in their teens. More than a lecture in the class, it is important that the students must participate in the activities in order to prevent them from inculcating the habit of tobacco consumption. Such campaigns where youth is participating will bring effective results and will reduce demand.
Programme and policy perspectives towards a tobacco-free generation in India: findings from a qualitative study
Shalini Bassi, Monika Arora, Nishibha Thapliyal, Muralidhar Kulkarni, Rohith Bhagawath, Ilze Bogdanovica, Veena Kamath, John Britton, Manpreet Bains
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