Measuring community support for tobacco tax measures: Results from a community survey on support for increased tobacco taxes in Vietnam
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Vital Strategies, Sydney, Australia
Vital Strategies, Delhi, India
Vietnam Tobacco Control Fund, Hanoi, Vietnam
Vital Strategies, Hanoi, Vietnam
Vital Strategies, New York, United States
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Corresponding author
Tom Carroll   

Vital Strategies, 21 Hamilton Street, Coogee, 2034 NSW, Australia
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A60
In Vietnam 45.3 percent of men and 1.1 percent of women currently smoke tobacco (GATS 2015) and cigarette prices are low. Modeling by WHO estimates an increase of 5000 VND ($0.20 USD) per pack of cigarettes could result in 1.8 million fewer smokers and save 900000 lives

In August 2018, a multi-city survey funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies was undertaken by Vital Strategies in consultation with the Vietnam Tobacco Control Fund to measure levels of support among citizens for increasing taxes on cigarettes in Vietnam.

Using multi-stage random sampling design, a representative sample was drawn from cities of Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, Da Nang and Can Tho. Respondents were selected through a household survey resulting in 1,104 completed interviews of people aged 18-75 years (508 urban, 506 rural; 462 males, 552 females; 800 non-smokers, 214 smokers). Data were weighted to represent the population of Vietnam.

Almost all respondents agreed smoking was harmful to smokers (97%) and exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) was harmful to women and children (97%). Most respondents thought cigarette smoking was a serious problem amongst Vietnamese people in general (93%) and amongst Vietnamese youth (95%). Three-quarters of respondents (76%) agreed with increasing tobacco taxes/prices to reduce harm from smoking and from exposure to SHS for women and children. Levels of agreement were relatively consistent between rural (77%) and urban areas (74%), and between males (70%) and females (80%). There was majority support for increasing taxes on cigarettes among non-smokers (82%) and among half of smokers (52%). Two-thirds of respondents (67%) supported increasing taxes by 5000 VND or more per pack (rural 69%, urban 64%; females 72%, males 62%; non-smokers 74%, smokers 42%).

Findings demonstrate majority support amongst Vietnamese citizens for an increase in tax on cigarettes by 5000 VND or more per pack
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