Material of support to community health agents for the tobacco approach of "family health" in Brazil
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Ministry of Health / National Cancer Institute, Tobacco Control Division, Brazil
Ministry of Health / National Cancer Institute , Tobacco Control Division, Brazil
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A885
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Background and challenges to implementation:
In Brazil, the Community Health Agent (ACS), inserted in the Basic Attention Program, due to the characteristics of its work, maintains a close relationship with families, which is especially conducive to an awareness-raising approach to adolescents, pregnant women and the elderly about the damages caused By this disease. It can even perceive the difficulty of cessation in the brief modality, advise and refer to treatment by other professionals in the intensive mode in a health unit. In view of these considerations, the National Cancer Institute through the National Program of Tobacco Control developed specific material for the community health agent.

Intervention or response:
The Community Health Agent received pilot training for a short-term approach in a municipality in the south of Brazil with face-to-face classes. After that, they received a booklet with guidelines on smoking in pregnant women, adolescents, passive smoking, smoking cessation benefits, among others. The material was used 30 days during home visits. At the end of this period, they received a questionnaire for evaluation with questions related to size, weight, language, relevance and contents of the booklet.

Results and lessons learnt:
In the face of the positive evaluation, the booklet became available to all states in the country as an important support tool for ACS, which complemented the training, and was inserted in the Smoking Control for Brief Approach.

Conclusions and key recommendations:
The provision of material to ACS as the booklet allowed more people to have access to information about smoking, especially those residing in places that often only the community health agent can reach a country, given the size of Brazil.
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