Dental institutional model of a tobacco cessation clinic: six years of success story
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Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, Public Health Dentistry, India
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A886
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Background and challenges to implementation:
Global Adult Tobacco Survey India (GATS) 2016-17 revealed that 28.6% adults use tobacco in one form or the other. Nearly 55% smokers and 50% smokeless tobacco users are planning or thinking to quit. Dental professionals can play a pivotal role in diagnosing and effectively managing tobacco dependence. There are currently 314 Dental Institutions in India and the large dental manpower remain untapped resources who can be utilized if adequate training is provided.

Intervention or response:
This gap was identified and Tobacco Cessation Clinic conceptualized and developed in a Public Dental Institution in New Delhi, India in 2011.The core principles on which the Clinic was established were
  1. Patient care services behavioral counselling and NRT
  2. Community based Awareness Campaigns and integration with Mobile Dental Clinics
  3. Capacity Building and Training programs
  4. Conducting Research in Tobacco Control and Cessation

Results and lessons learnt:
  1. Results of Patient Care Services: A total of 1772 patients visited the Tobacco Cessation Clinic since 2011 to 2017. Most of the patients were males and 30.3% patients were in the age group of 30-49 years, 40% were illiterate and 37.8% were unemployed. About 43.5% patients were Smokeless Tobacco users followed by 36.4% smokers and 20% consumed both forms. About 50.7% were provided structured behavioral counselling followed by 44% combination of behavioral counselling and nicotine replacement therapy. The overall quit rate was 5.98% with six month point prevalence of 30.2%.
  2. More than 500 Screening programs have been conducted over 6 years
  3. Nearly 40 Capacity building programs have been conducted and unique curriculum is being implemented at the undergraduate level
  4. Two research grants as well as four travel grants have been awarded along with 3 International publications.

Conclusions and key recommendations:
The Dental Institutions across India provide an ideal platform which can use this methodology to collaborate and implement various aspects of tobacco control measures and improve health outcomes in the country.
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