Knowledge on oro-dental problems among smokeless tobacco users in an urban area
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Tobacco Control Department, Shoccho Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Osman Gani Kabir   

Tobacco Control Department, Shoccho Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A128
Oral Health reflects the overall health status of people. According to banglapaedia about 90% people has been suffering from a dental problem in Bangladesh. Smokeless tobacco use has increased rapidly in the world. This form of tobacco use has many oral effects, including Leucoplakia, Oral Cancer, loss of periodontium support, and staining of teeth and composite restoration. The systemic effects such as nicotine-takers, transient hypertension, and cardiovascular disease may also result from smokeless tobacco.

The objective of this study is to assess the type of knowledge on oro-dental problems among smokeless tobacco users in an urban area.

A descriptive type of cross-sectional study with 115 respondents was conducted many upazilla at Cumilla district in Bangladesh. Based on the age group, 28.7% respondents age were between 26-31 years and 27% respondents ages were between 44-50 years. The maximum age was 50 years, and the minimum age was 20 years. Their mean age was 33.51-38.584.

According to the information of this study, 40.90% population were businessmen, 27% service holders, 30.90% housewives, 8.70% farmers, and 9.60% other professionals, respectively. These paper shows, 20.84% of smokeless tobacco users suffered cancer, 33.54% suffered gingivitis, 17.02% suffered ulcer,12.04% suffered periodontitis, 2% suffered dental caries, 5.80 suffered leukoplakia, 5% suffered oral lesion,2% suffered other problems. Notice that most people who are affected these oro-dental diseases are businessmen & workers and their education level is primary or illiterate and they are live in slum area.

Oral & dental problems among smokeless tobacco use in the urban area were found to satisfactory. Few risk factories were identified and which can be used to guide interventions or to improve oral and dental health among smokeless tobacco users. Tobacco-free environment, place, transport can be determined by applying existing laws in order to discourage smokeless tobacco used.
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