In-school tobacco control leadership programme for adolescents: A route to tobacco free generation
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Salaam Bombay Foundation, Mumbai, India
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Tshering Doma Bhutia   

Salaam Bombay Foundation, Mumbai, India
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A137
Creating awareness on harms of tobacco and tobacco control law, building capacities of school going adolescents to enable them to fight for their right of tobacco free environment is the most effective long term solution to counter youth centered marketing strategies of tobacco industry. Salaam Bombay Foundation (SBF) has been implementing In-school Tobacco Control Leadership Programme in 350 Mumbai schools

Objectives of In-school Tobacco Control Leadership Programme are, creating awareness on harms of tobacco, tobacco control law and stakeholders in tobacco control, building life skills and leadership skills to transform adolescents into change agents to work as tobacco control advocates demanding tobacco free environment.

In-school Tobacco Control Leadership Programme is designed for 7th, 8th and 9th graders. The programme involved in-school tobacco control awareness sessions followed by activities to reinforce the information given through the sessions. 7th grade students are involved in anti-tobacco awareness activities and 8th and 9th graders are given opportunities to reach out to stakeholders and policymakers through various platforms to demand stringent implementation of tobacco control law.

The results of outcome assessment show that In-school Tobacco Control Leadership Programme has a long term positive effect on attitude and behavior of adolescents. In recent outcome assessment conducted in 2017-18, 88% adolescents reported that they disseminated anti-tobacco information received through sessions, among peers and family members. 24% admitted that whenever tobacco was offered to them by friends, they refused it and informed the friends about health harms of tobacco.40% adolescents admitted that they stay away from tobacco as they are fully aware of magnitude of health harms of tobacco, while 20% reported they avoid tobacco consumers' company.

School based tobacco control programme helps to create tobacco free environment at schools and causes long term impact on adolescents' behavior and equips them to stay away from tobacco throughout life.
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