Empowering school students to reduce the attractiveness of tobacco use through health promotion principles in Anuradhapura District of Sri Lanka
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Health promotion undergraduate, Department of Health Promotion, Rajarata university, Mihintale, Sri Lanka
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Nimesha Karunarathna   

Health promotion undergraduate, Department of Health Promotion, Rajarata university, Mihintale, Sri Lanka
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A267
Tobacco smoking among school students is a major global problem including in Sri Lanka. There are some contributing factors which encourage tobacco smoking and substance abuse among students.

The aim of the study was to reduce the attractiveness of tobacco smoking among the students in Anuradhapura central college.

We randomly selected 4 classrooms of Grades 8 and 9, both including 35 females and 70 male students in the school. We initiated this process in the "tobacco-free school" week. We assessed their image of smoking through group discussions conducted with them, and improved their knowledge of short term and long term health impacts of smoking. We covered topics such as sexual impotence and facial changes, company strategies, media influence on tobacco use and economic harm. The students were empowered to take action to reduce smoking and substance usage and discussed about the practical processes to initiate action in school by getting their ideas and suggestions. Data and changes were collected and analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods.

Suggestions from the students showed high and improved identification about the harmful effects of smoking and drug usage by 60%. Sixty-two percent of students expressed reduced attractiveness of smoking and 71.44% of students had improved understanding of tobacco company strategies and media influences on tobacco use. Student suggestions included showing road dramas or short dramas about harmful effects of tobacco and alcohol consumption, making policies at school level, establishing counselling services for students who have become addicted, and showing posters about harmful effects of drug use in public areas of school premises.

Empowering school students to reduce the attractiveness of smoking leads to some impressive suggestions which are useful in changing smoking habits.
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