Development of a guided imagery tobacco cessation intervention to be delivered by quitline and website
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University of Arizona, United States of America
West Virginia University, United States of America
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A307
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Telephone quitlines are an effective and highly scalable way to help individuals quit smoking. However quitlines are an underutilized resource, and do not reach certain segments of the population, including males and racial/ethnic minorities. Guided imagery is a form of mind-body therapy that involves controlled visualization of specific mental images. Studies have shown that imagery training results in significantly increased smoking abstinence rates. Imagery is used by a significant number of racially diverse male and female athletes. We hypothesize that guided mental imagery delivered using the quitline “coaching model” could be an effective and disseminable intervention strategy. In addition, this model may be more readily accepted by underrepresented smokers, and may increase the reach and effectiveness of telephone quitlines. The objective of this study is to develop and test the feasibility of a telephone plus website imagery intervention for smoking cessation.

We will develop the intervention and companion website with input from quitline personnel, a community advisory board, expert consultants, focus groups, and user groups of racially- and ethnically-diverse smokers in preparation for a randomized clinical trial.

We will present findings on our community-based development process and how we adapt the program content and materials for use with a wide range of smokers. We will share lessons learned and provide an overview of the guided imagery intervention protocol and program materials.

The results of this study have the potential to improve public health through increased reach of telephone quitlines. If successful, this model could be expanded to address other health behaviors such as diet, physical activity and other substance use.
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