DEUMF Pulmonary Diseases Department Smoking Cessation Clinic data
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Respiratory Diseases Department, Medical School, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey
Publication date: 2018-10-03
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Gökçen Ömeroğlu Şimşek   

Respiratory Diseases Department, Medical School, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 3):A17
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Nicotine dependence is the most prevalent disease of our society, with smoking rates of 37%. Pharmacotherapy and behavioral therapy play an important role in reducing smoking. In this context, it is suggested that the daily behavioral models should be questioned and the methods of combating them by determining the factors that trigger the desire for smoking.

The data of 326 patients who were followed-up between 2016-2018 in the DEUMS Pulmonary Diseases Department Smoking Cessation clinic were screened. Demographic data, Fagerström Nicotine Dependence Test (FBNT), treatments and responses were questioned.

It’s have been given to 71% patients varenicline, 11% bupropion, 4% nicotine replacement therapy. 14% patients were followed up without pharmacotherapy. 27% of the patients have quit the smoking, 22% not, 8% have reduction at daily smoking. 43% of the patients still in the process of treatment. For this reason it was considered as an unknown group. Trigger factors for relaps; 31.4% stress, 23.3% post-meal, tea 19.8% coffee 17.4% alcohol 8%. According to FBNT 26.7% of patients had low, 25.6% had moderate and 47.7% had high level of addiction.

Nicotine dependence is a disease that not too easy to treat. It is observed that the rate of tobacco use in early ages is increasing and the abstinence rate is very low at all ages. The first thing to do is to prevent tobacco using and to optimize the policies, to recommend the release it to every smoking patient and to direct the patients to the relevant centers.
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