Current situation of tobacco products selling point beside the educational institution “A case study in Dhaka city”
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Tobacco Control and Research Cell, Dhaka International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Bappa Raj Das   

Tobacco Control and Research Cell, Dhaka International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A258
Bangladesh has almost 164.07 million populations. There are around 23789 schools and 150 public & private universities in Bangladesh. They contain millions of students and they are the main target of Tobacco Company. There are so many points of sale of tobacco products beside the institutes for attracting the students.

Consuming tobacco products for a long time, youth stands on the most dangerous position. The ambition of this study is to prevent students from this most hazardous attraction by making educational institution tobacco free.

In Dhaka city, the total of 2 schools and 4 Universities (9 campuses) was targeted for achieving tobacco free campuses. Discussion with authorized person, inform them about the harmfulness of tobacco products and the target of the company, as will as the awareness building programs was held during January 2019 to July 2019.

1. Total 31 points of sell was founded beside the institutions. 2. 2 principles of the schools and 10 authorized persons of the 9 university campuses with the chairmen were awarded about the threat of the tobacco product. 3. 2 school and 3 university authorities provided a legal notice for not to sale tobacco products beside the campuses. 4. All mentioned universities forbidden smoking in the university campuses. 5. 2 universities made committee including their students to make their campuses tobacco free. 6. They said that they will continue their tobacco-free campus activities.

Authorized person of the institution should continue awareness building program and take legal action against Tobacco Company. TCRC initiated sensitizing concerned government agencies with these findings to make tobacco-free campuses for all educational institutes.
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