Community sector cooperation to determine Ban Chiang World Heritage non-smoking area
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Department of Health Science, Faculty of Science, Udon Thani Rajabhat University, Udon Thani, Thailand
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Patcharaporn Chaisri   

Department of Health Science, Faculty of Science, Udon Thani Rajabhat University, 64 Thahan Rd, Tambon Mak Khaeng, Udon Thani 41000, Thailand
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A33
Smoking is still on the rise, Tobacco Products Control Act B.E. 2560 was enacted. It aims to reduce smoker, especially the new coming smoker, teenager.

This research aimed to investigate Ban Chiang World Heritage non-smoking areas with cooperation from stakeholders in community including social sector, local sector, and academic supports from governmental sector.

Participatory action research (PAR) is applied to create perceptions among stakeholders through seminar, public hearing, public media, and community media.

The results shown that, non-smoking areas needed community’s knowledge set and academic supports from governmental sector including of a social capital in community, community culture, problems and obstacles, awareness, community consciousness, beliefs and disciplines in community, and state of knowledge about tobacco control. When knowledge set was identified, perception of social sector was created including networks in community, community committees, entrepreneurs, volunteers in community, and community organizations in order to determine roles and responsibilities among stakeholders. Stakeholders from various sector, thus, were invited to participate in public hearing about public policy that issued by local sector in order to regulate communities as the World Heritage non-smoking areas. Determinants indicated the World Heritage non-smoking areas consisted of community leaders, local leaders, community committees, monks, teachers who quitted smoking, shop owners who stopped tobacco purchasing, schools in communities that conducted anti-smoking activity and had knowledge on tobacco’s impacts inserted in learning activity, police station, Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives, sub-district health promotion hospital, the Ban Chiang World Heritage museum, sub-district municipality, community market, and public park.

These areas were clarified as the non-smoking area under regulations issued by local sector. Cooperation among stakeholders would provide development and the community seek common patterns and practices to address problems with ongoing activities on the Ban Chiang World Heritage tourism areas until it became sustainable non-smoking areas.
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