Biochemical profiling of smokeless tobacco product Kiwam at different processing steps
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ICMR- National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research, Uttar Pradesh, India
WHO FCTC Global Knowledge Hub on Smokeless Tobacco at ICMR- National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research, Uttar Pradesh, India
Society of Life Sciences and Human Health, Uttar Pradesh, India
Publication date: 2018-10-03
Corresponding author
Ravi Mehrotra   

ICMR- National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research, Uttar Pradesh, India
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 3):A107
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Kiwam (Qiwam) is a partially fermented tobacco product consumed with Betal Quid (Paan). The major constituents of this product are tobacco, saffron (Zaffrani) and some additives. It contains Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamines (TSNA) which is considered as a cancer-causing agent. To elucidate the carcinogenic property of Kiwam, biochemical profiling of its constituents at different stages of processing is needed. The major processing steps involved in the formation of Kiwam and biochemical profiling/changes at each processing step is still unknown.

To describe the major processing steps and biochemical changes that occurs at each processing step during the preparation of Kiwam.

Tobacco leaves and stems were boiled in water followed by filtering of the constituents to remove the leaves and stem residues. The filtrate is again boiled to form a thick paste residue. The resultant paste was partially fermented through sun curing, and lastly saffron along with some additives were added. The samples from each step were analyzed for biochemical profiling through Continuous Flow Autoanalyzer (CFA) using Flow View Solution 3700 Analyzer (version 1.2.2) software.

The biochemical changes at TSNA levels were observed at each processing steps. The detailed chemical profiling will be presented during the meeting.

Processing of Kiwam involves four major steps i.e. (i) boiling of tobacco leaves and stem (ii) filtration of product (iii) re-boiling of the filtrate till the paste is formed (iv) partial fermentation through sun curing. Kiwam is rich in TSNA and hence its use should be avoided.
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