Biochemical profiling of areca nut product Dohra
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ICMR- National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research, Uttar Pradesh, India
Society of Life Sciences and Human Health, Uttar Pradesh, India
WHO FCTC Global Knowledge Hub on Smokeless Tobacco at ICMR- National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research, Uttar Pradesh, India
Publication date: 2018-10-03
Corresponding author
Ravi Mehrotra   

ICMR- National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research, Uttar Pradesh, India
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 3):A108
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Dohra is a locally produced areca nut preparations used with or without tobacco in Allahabad, Jaunpur and Pratapgarh districts of Uttar Pradesh (UP), India. Different varieties of Dohra exist such as Sukha Dohra, Geela Dohra, etc. Evidence suggests that it causes Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Cancer. It contains arecoline which is a well-known carcinogen. In order to understand the potential role of Dohra in causing cancer biochemical profiling of different varieties of Dohra is needed.

To describe the biochemical profile of different varieties of Dohra.

Different varieties of Dohra were collected from Allahabad, Jaunpur and Pratapgarh districts of UP. All the varieties of Dohra were analyzed for biochemical profiling through Continuous Flow Autoanalyzer (CFA) using Flow View Solution 3700 Analyzer (version 1.2.2) software.

The biochemical changes at arecoline levels were observed in different varieties of Dohra. The detailed chemical profiling will be furnished in the meeting.

Different varieties of Dohra preparations are produced and each of them have a different biochemical profile. The Dohra is rich is arecoline and hence its use should be banned/avoided.
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