Awareness campaign on tobacco misdeeds and the anti-smoking law in schools and universities: the case of Senegal
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Programme National de Lutte, Contre le Tabac, Senegal
Publication date: 2018-10-03
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Alioune Sylla   

Programme National de Lutte, Contre le Tabac, Senegal
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 3):A84
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Background and context:
Smoking is one of the leading preventable causes of death in the world and more particularly in populations of adolescents and young people, the main targets of the tobacco industry. In Senegal according to the 2013 GYTS surveys "Survey of Youth Smoking" Surveys revealed that youth use of tobacco is 11.2% overall, 14.9% of boys and 6.2% of girls currently use tobacco products. So, aware of the disastrous misdeeds that result from smoking, the National Tobacco Control Program has taken important measures to combat this scourge including the adoption of the law 2014-14 of March 28. For this, an action plan to raise awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco and the adoption of the anti-smoking law in schools and universities is done.

"Make schools and universities smoke-free".

General objectif:
Raise awareness among students about the ban on smoking in public places (schools and universities) to fight against early initiation of smoking, the harmful effects of smoking and the law 2014-14 of March 28, 2014 (anti-smoking law).

To carry out this awareness campaign we proceed as follows: - Design communication media - Organize conferences followed by debates in targeted schools and universities - Organize activities to implement the anti-smoking law:
  • Display setting up smoke-free signage signs;
  • Establishment of anti-tobacco clubs.

  • Results:
  • Strengthening the capacity of high school students and academics both in the content of the FCTC and in advocacy techniques to create a sustainable movement for policy change
  • Integrate media coverage to enhance public awareness and understanding.
  • eISSN:1617-9625
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