Youth involvement on tobacco control law implementation: success story
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Resource Centre for Primary Health Care (RECPHEC), Nepal
Health Rights and Tobacco Control Network, Nepal
Bangladesh Anti Tobacco Alliance (BATA), Bangladesh
National Girl Child Advocacy Forum, Bangladesh
National Pressure Group against Tobacco, Nepal
Nepal NCD Alliance, Nepal
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A413
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Background and challenges to implementation:
It is prohibited to retail sale sticks of cigarettes, bidi or cigar to the person age under 18 years old. Due to lack of awareness, monitoring, reporting to the concerned officials, law was not well-enforced. In particular, teens are openly buying and consuming tobacco products. So that, Health Rights and Tobacco Control (HRTC) district networks start monitoring the law in their areas through Youth Watch Groups (YWG). This group is dedicated on anti- tobacco campaigns in 58 districts out of 75 districts of Nepal.

Intervention or response:
YWG volunteers regularly monitor illegal selling, distribution of tobacco products and report to the police and take necessary action for law enforcement. YWG is protecting such illegal transactions in the grassroots level. Youth knows the youth better than others age groups. So, in order to prevent youths in consuming tobacco, the YWG volunteers taken actual action in right time and right place. Youth gatherings for the awareness on law as well as health risks due to tobacco addiction and campaigns are organized regularly in which more youth motivated towards tobacco control, and volunteer to YWG. This group work hard to aware people about smoke free public place and transports and increase graphic health warnings (GHW) as well.

Results and lessons learnt:
YWG intervention helps to enforce tobacco control law in line with section to prohibit selling tobacco to teens and prevent smoking among youth. YWG initiatives also involving more and more youth as lifelong anti tobacco activists on tobacco control. Nepal is providing world largest GHW (90%) in all tobacco products.

Conclusions and key recommendations:
Youth is not only leader of future; they have potentials to lead for betterment of society at present. Engage youth into tobacco control, it will benefit nation for long time.
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