Universities' role on tobacco control law support in Thailand
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Mahidol University, Surgical Nursing Department, Thailand
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A9
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Background and challenges to implementation:
In Thailand, Tobacco control laws had announced since 2535 B.E. So that tobacco product, marketing, and sponsorship and consuming of tobacco is advanced and not effective to control. As seen from the prevalence of tobacco smoking did not reduce and its trend to increase especially among youth and women. So Ministry of public health in Thailand was begin to renovate, improve, and readjust both tobacco control law. On the process of law revision, the main objective was set to protect all adolescent from starting to be the new comer and to be consistent with WHO FCTC.

Intervention or response:
To review experiences of universities role on supporting the revision of tobacco control law. Mahidol University took action to be the leader to support the revision of tobacco control law. By declare via public media such as president interviewing to show scientific reason to support the benefit for youth and mankind from tobacco control law, sent advocacy letter to the parliament, lobby related stakeholders, many public health expertise try to educate, advocate the public on the impact of tobacco harmfulness on individual and public health, economic, social with various stakeholders, especially the prime minister, cabinet, and member of parliament. Mahidol University collaborated and coordinated with many sectors to support the law. These actions aim to make sure that the leaders, and public gain more understanding and awareness on main intention of revision of tobacco control law.

Results and lessons learnt:
The revision of tobacco control in Thailand was passed the final vote of parliament, announced in government gazette and be formal enforcement. University is also the significant jig saw for related law revision, enforcement and regulation.

Conclusions and key recommendations:
Except teaching, research, academic services and cultural conservation, university should show action on related law support, policy mobilization, law regulation and enforcement.
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