Tobacco use surveillance among dentists based on WHO- MPOWER strategies
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A.J. Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, India
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Pramada Prabhakar   

A.J. Institute of Dental Sciences, NH-66, Near Kuntikana Road, Kuntikana, Mangalore, Karnataka 575004, India
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A12
India has the highest rates of oral cancer due to high prevalence of tobacco use. Literature showed that there is inadequate perceptions related to harmful effects of tobacco among dentists. Hence this study aimed to assess the tobacco use surveillance among dentists based on the WHO-MPOWER strategies.

To assess the tobacco use surveillance among dentists based on the WHO-MPOWER strategies.

A rapid need assessment survey using a cross sectional study design was conducted among dentists working in a tertiary care hospital of Mangalore, South India. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Institutional Ethics Committee. After obtaining informed consent the questionnaires were distributed to 120 dentists. The data was collected for a period of 1 month. The questionnaire consisted of 19 questions based on WHO-MPOWER strategies. A total of 90 questionnaires were returned which was statistically analysed using SPSS version 16.

Among the 90 dentists, 95% of them were aware that tobacco consumption is harmful for health. Cigarettes (33.3%) were more commonly used compared to other tobacco products. 23.3% of them have tried quitting smoking in the past 12 months. 75% of them had seen the dangers of smoking in the newspapers and television. 15.6% had people who smoked inside the house and 27.8% people had people smoking in their working area. 15.6% led them to quit smoking after seeing the warning labels on cigarette packs.

The study concludes that the majority of the dentists use smoked form of tobacco compared to smokeless forms .Hence more efforts need to be made to assess them in becoming tobacco free role models so that they can be supporters to promote smoke free work places and environment. They can add their voice and weight to tobacco control efforts like tax increase campaigns and involve themselves in promoting the WHO framework convention on tobacco control.
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