Tobacco cessation services and medications to quit tobacco for NCD patients
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Non-Communicable Diseases, NCD Care Foundation, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Prateek Katara   

Non-Communicable Diseases, NCD Care Foundation, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A208
Tobacco use is a leading cause of preventable deaths all over the world. In view of mortality and morbidity burden due to tobacco use, it has become imperative to take urgent steps to curb the growing menace of tobacco. Tobacco cessation medications should be a regular part of healthcare delivery system for NCD patients.

Comprehensive treatment plans for NCD patients including tobacco smoking cessation interventions are essential, as smoking after the diagnosis of a smoking-related NCD negatively impacts many aspects of treatment in this patient population. The objective was to evaluate, through a systematic review, smoking cessation interventions and cessation rates in NCD patients, discuss the relationship between tobacco cessation and improved outcomes during the NCD treatment, about tobacco dependence evidence-based treatments, reimbursement for these treatments, and tobacco-related resources available for patients and health care professionals.

Tobacco cessation clinic services are provided regularly at different parts of the country. The clinic activities are: 1. registration and documentation of tobacco use profile in detail, 2. group counselling, 3. individual counseling/relatives counselling, 4. carbon monoxide (CO) monitoring, 5. pharmacotherapy, 6. regular follow up with brief counselling at each visit, 7. telephone counselling for the defaulter. The drugs used for tobacco cessation are chantix, bupropion, habitrol, topomax, commit and nicorelief.

The results of tobacco cessation medications are increased productivity, improved attention and focus, improve quality of life, and 20 minutes after a person quits smoking, he or she may experience a decrease in blood pressure. After two days the person’s sense of smell and taste begins to improve, and by nine months, breath shortness, fatigue and coughing by smoking may lessen.

Smoking cessation for NCD patients remain investigating the efficacy of tobacco cessation among this population. However, data suggest that quitting tobacco after the diagnosis of NCD improves survival and quality of life Although effective tobacco dependence treatments are available to help smokers quit smoking.
Comparative effectiveness of two behavioral change intervention packages for tobacco cessation initiated in the tertiary care setting of North India—protocol for a two-arm randomized controlled trial
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