To assess control measures for tobacco consumption in Zambia between 2014 and 2017. What are the gaps?
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Kasama General Hospital, Laboratory, Zambia
Kasama General Hospital, I CT, Zambia
Kasama General Hospital, Clinical Care, Zambia
Provincial Health Office, Clinical Care, Zambia
skills training institute, Education, Zambia
Northern Biomedical Sciences College, Education, Zambia
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A448
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Cigarette smoking is a leading cause of global morbidity and mortality, in developing countries interest in smoking prevalence has been growing since 1999. Many factors are known to influence smoking prevalence and trends in prevalence, from individual level factors such as education level, to country-level factors such as national economic development and implementation of tobacco control policies, therefore there is need to assess the control measures for tobacco smoking in Zambia between 2014 and 2017and determine the gaps in policy implementation in tobacco consumption in Zambia.

This was a retrospective study using policy documents from central statistical office.

The following gaps were identified in which there was no legislation: concerning Institutions and mechanisms to provide for a funding mechanism, Public education requiring mass public education campaigns to change public attitudes regarding tobacco and tobacco control, Advertising, promotion and sponsorship as a comprehensive ban involves a ban on all forms of direct and indirect advertisements, promotion and sponsorship, Price and tax measures as an effective means of reducing tobacco consumption, especially among young people. Monitoring- No known data or no recent data or data that are not both recent and representative (WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2017).

The absence of legislation in these areas of institutions and mechanisms, public education, advertising, promotion and sponsorship and the price and tax measures have far reaching consequences in tobacco control in Zambia.
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