Third times the C.H.A.R.M.S: a socioecological thirdhand smoke cessation pilot study
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Catholic Family Center, United States of America
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A303
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Background and challenges to implementation:
Research shows that Passive Tobacco Exposure (PTE), via Thirdhand Smoke (THS), is cytotoxic. 16 million Americans are affected by tobacco. Smoking bans show interest in reducing exposure of PTE yet literature remains scarce. Public smoking bans, raising tobacco taxes, and tobacco litigation demonstrate change in Smoke Cessation (SC) but a new approach is needed to effect societal smoking as well as global smoke cessation. The study investigates if education on the effect of THSe harms increases contemplation to stop smoking. Primary Challenges to implementation are Addiction, Big Tobacco influences and societal beliefs and views on PTE.

Intervention or response:
The pilot study used a quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest design and an educational intervention Pre and posttest measures utilized the Contemplation Ladder for readiness to quit smoking. Education on Firsthand, Secondhand and Thirdhand Smoke harms in a Motivational Interviewing milieu was provided.

Results and lessons learnt:
Paired t-tests show statistical significance for desire to quit smoking between three groups and as one group, n=34. Results indicate that education on the harms of THSe to passive recipients may increase the contemplation to quit smoking and desire to reduce PTE.

Conclusions and key recommendations:
The dangers of smoking have been studied to determine effect on public health, animals and the environment. The usefulness of MI in smoke cessation groups in a variety of settings has some mixed results. The study expands the existing body of knowledge on motivation to quit smoking in a socioecological context..
Organizational stakeholders of health centers, non-profits, small practices, veterinarians and community action agencies will find these results useful when considering SC methods and in creating environments that are free of THSe. Practitioners may widen the scope of SC by including teaching of harms to therapy or domestic animals and informing persons on the financial consequences of THS. Collaboration with a variety of disciplines for SC is recommended.
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