The variation of tobacco use behavior among Beijing college students and middle school students from 2008 to 2014
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Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control, China
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A422
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Understanding the changes in smoking rate and try smoking rate among Beijing college students and middle school students from 2008 to 2014, and preliminarily evaluate the school tobacco control work efficiency.

Using multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method. Throughout the city, Select 63 junior high schools, 102 senior high schools and vocational and technical schools, 12 universities, as the monitoring schools. In 2014 and 2008,using the "Chinese adolescent health related behavior questionnaire" undertake the students' collective self-filling anonymous questionnaire investigation, compare the changes of students´ tobacco use behavior.

Among college students and middle school students in Beijing, try smoking rate in 2008 is 30.05%,then fall to 24.30% in 2014;have smoked a whole cigarette report rate in 2008 is 23.46%,then fall to 18.19% in 2014;current-smoking report rate in 2008 is 14.41%,then reduce to 10.89% in 2014,the differences are statistical significance;among the current-smoking students,heavy-smoking rate in 2014 is 5.0%,higher than 2008 is 4.1%,and the differences are statistical significance;the rate of smoking frequency≥20 day/month in 2008 is 41.07% and in 2014 is 42.13%, the difference was not statistically significant.

The over all launched tobacco control work in Beijing have made some progress, the tobacco use behavior of college students and middle school students decline sharply. However, the smoking severity of students who have become a smoker makes little improvement. So, reduce try smoking, not to become smokers is the first step to prevent adolescents from the tobacco hazard.
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