The status of smoking cessation according to anxiety, depression and addiction level of patients
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Publication date: 2018-10-03
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 3):A66
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Smoking addiction is an important and preventable health problem. 16 million people are smokers in Turkey and 100,000 people die annually due to smoking-related health problems. In smoking cessation programs, assessment of addiction, motivational therapy, pharmacological, nonpharmacologic therapies and regular follow-up are recommended. The aim of this study was to investigate the anxiety, depression and addiction level of patients who applied to the smoking cessation polyclinic of our university family medicine department.

Socio-demographic information, cigarette use cases, abstinence experience, depression, anxiety and addiction level were evaluated by 128 cigarette patients aged 18 years or older who applied to the Smoking Cessation Policlinic of the Medical Faculty of Dokuz Eylul University Medical Faculty between 1 March 2014 and 1 March 2015.

Nicotine dependence level was very low in 7.8%, low in 18.0%, moderate in 14.1%, high in 26.6% and very high in 32.8% of the participants. Depression was detected in 33.6% of the participants and anxiety was present in 36.7%. The proportion of non-smokers was 21.9% a year after the participants started treatment. When depression, anxiety and addiction levels were compared with smoking cessation status; there was no statistically significant difference between depression, anxiety and addiction level and smoking cessation rate.
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