The implementation of quit-calendar for public health system under the ‘Quit for King’ project, Thailand: Phase I
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College of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Anun Chaikoolvatana   

College of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A205
As the Thai Health Organization, the Council of Community Public Health, and the Thai Society Volunteering Association established ‘Quit for King’ Project aimed to implement ‘public health network and volunteers’ to develop action-based activity together with the campaign-based activity related to alcohol and tobacco consumption.

1. To drive anti-smoking campaign activities for health behavior changes via public health networks and volunteers. 2. To integrate a Quit-Calendar into routinely- smoking cessation process.

1. Public Health Supervisor, Region 10 called for the meeting with heads of district health offices (25), sub-district health promotion hospitals (177), Sri-Sa-Ket province regarding the project. 2. All representatives underwent ‘basic knowledge and skills’ training program held by TRC researchers. 3. The contents of a Quit-Calendar include some crucial knowledge and skills related to dangers of cigarette smoking, quit smoking process, life style modification, and limitations were stated. 4. The health care staffs used a Quit-Calendar to persuade public health volunteers who need to quit smoking. The evaluation of quit rates and satisfaction would be presented to “Phase II Project”

There were 202 officers enrolled into the training program. The trainings were divided into 4 different regions. All screening skills, treatment, and cessation counseling skills were provided. They learnt how to apply a Quit-Calendar to a routinely-smoking cessation process. Patient data based system was developed via ‘Google Drive’. A standard operating protocol guidebook (SOP) related to cessation treatment and counseling was also developed as ‘handy book’. Finally, website ‘’ was established to communicate, hand in patient data, exchange ideas and attitudes of both volunteers and health officers.

For Phase I of the ‘Quit for King’ Project, the preparations included Quit-Calendar development, readiness of public health network and volunteers via cessation trainings, Quit-Calendar uses, and data collection.
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